Nicholas was taken aback. He had not expected that man in his expensive attire, living in such a big mansion, to respect him in that manner.

That was when he paused to take a look at the men who had abducted him. Though two of them, but strong and mighty they were. Their bodies were built just to intimidate and they were putting on dark suits and shoes and glasses, like spies from movies he used to watch.

"Young master, please come with me." The older man said again.

Nicholas turned to face him again, still shocked. "Who are you? Who is this young master you're always speaking of?" He said.

"Please come inside. Our boss wants to see you. I am sure you would be delighted to see him too." The man said. A warm smile rested on his face and Nicholas frowned.

Did he really even have a choice? He followed the man inside and was even more wowed.

The entrance led to a grand hall with brilliant lighting and fine decors. Then he was led to the living room, and Nicholas began to doubt whether he was at a mansion or maybe a palace!

The arrangement of the sofas was in a L-shape design and at the centre was a fancy centre table. Statues that looked ancient but beautiful were around and he was certain they must have cost a fortune, as well as the art paintings on the wall.

He sat down gently and waited patiently for their boss to arrive. So he could tell him it was all a big mistake.

Some maids in their uniforms casually walked in, "hello young master? Would you like to drink anything?" One of them asked.

Nicholas shook his head. "No thank you, I'm fine."

They bowed. "Okay,. Young master." With that, they turned and left. Nicholas could only stare and wonder why he was getting all that kind of respect.

He was only a delivery man! Didn't they know that?

Finally, a slender tall man who could have been an older replica of him, walked in with a cherry smile on his face.

"My son, I have been meaning to see you since but I've been receiving my dosage of medicines inside, and that was why I delayed you a while. Sorry for that."

As the man was saying, Nicholas could only stare like he'd just seen a ghost. That man was supposed to be dead! He lost his father years ago now.

"My son, you're not saying anything?" The man was still standing, maybe expecting a hug.

Nicholas made his lips move, and words came out. "But you died? Years ago in that plane crash?" He blinked.

"There is a lot to tell you, son. I survived. Somehow, I survived. It wasn't just me though, but a few others managed and it was a fatal fall, it came with complications.

"I lost all my memories of home. Of you, and at that moment, it didn't matter because I got the opportunity of starting my life again. I began to work twice as I did before and after years had passed, I had attained a great fortune. Just last year, I had fragments of my memories back, and I remembered you."

"And you came for me? Wow, I...I don't know what to say. You didn't die." Nicholas said. He was somehow ashamed of ever hating his father for leaving him. Now, he is back!

He quickly went to hug the man and a smile flickered in his eyes.

"Tell me, son, how is everything so far? I heard you are a delivery man."

His face flustered red. "Yes, I just couldn't find a good job. And I had to eat and survive."

The older man nodded. "Very well then. And what about your wife?"

"Wow, you do know everything about me." Nicholas exclaimed."But she left me, dad. She was cheating on me because I'm poor." Bitterness filled his heart all of a sudden.

"Well I am sorry to hear, but it doesn't matter. Now, you are rich so shame on her." His father said, and he took in a moment to glance again, around his surroundings.

Truly, his father looked very rich now! And if had remembered him, then Nicholas would be the one to inherit everything!

His stomach grumbled and his father had heard. "So you're hungry, aren't you?"

"A little." Nicholas said.

"I would have loved to enjoy a lovely meal from home but our special chef isn't back yet. You should eat out, maybe at Diner O.'' He said.

Nicholas didn't hear him well. "Diner O? That restaurant is like 7 star rated! And it's only for the richest of the rich." Exclaimed Nicholas.

His father only laughed out. Then he said, "who do you think owns that place?"

"Wait, you own Diner O?? Wow, that's so cool!"

"So go there now and have anything you want. The staff will recognize you at once. And if you need a place to stay, you're more than welcome to come back here. Until we can get you your own apartment. This house is yours."

Someone came in and announced to them, "Miss Lindsay is here, sirs." He said with a slight bow and left.

Nicholas frowned. "Miss Lindsay? Who is that?"

"Oh she is someone very important to the company. Here she comes, she will be very important to you as well. Soon."

And indeed, a slender lady walked in with grace in each of her steps. She had long straight black hair and dark eyes with full red lips. There was this warmth she carried with her that made him like her at an instant.

"Sir, young master? Good evening." She said in a soft breezy tone.

"Lindsay, welcome. This is my son that you have been eager to meet all this while." His father said and Lindsay smiled.

"It is an honour to finally meet you, young master Nicholas." She said with a gracious smile.

"You know my name?" Nicholas asked.

"Of course, I have been looking forward to meeting you. When the master called that you had been found, I just had to make my face show at once." The lady explained.

"Lindsay is the manager of my company, the Grahams Enterprise." His father said, and Nicholas blinked again. Then a thought hit him. No wonder the lady looked so familiar...

"Wait what? What are you telling me, dad? That you own Graham's Enterprise?? How...wow!" He exclaimed.

"Yes. And Lindsay will be by your side, guiding and supporting you as you take over." His father said.

"Me? Take over? But dad--"

"Can you not see that I am getting old? And I am so happy to have reunited with my son again. Which is why I'm more than happy that you would be taking over."

"I will do a good job, dad. The best ever!" Nicholas was honoured.

"Very well then." Lindsay said. "I'll take my leave now sir." The young lady said and left.

"Son, you'll need this. Have it." His father handed him a golden card and Nicholas instantly recognized it. It was a golden card that could buy almost anything in the entire world, one of the rarest even. And it was now for him!

"Wow, thank you so much dad!" He said.

"Okay then, so I will be expecting you back tonight?" His dad asked and he nodded his head.

On his way out, the two men who had abducted him came to meet him, standing by his side. "We will accompany you, young master. Anywhere you're heading to, we'll go,"

He blinked and frowned, but his father was looking at him with a smile. Lastly, he relaxed his muscles, "okay then."

Heading to the restaurant, he couldn't help but realize how his life had changed.

The place was huge with a rich brightness and the people there were all dressed nicely. Nicholas was certain that there would even be celebrities there too.

He kept his cool and walked forward but was met by a man, a waiter maybe? He turned back and noticed that his bodyguards had not been with him.

"Hello sir, please may we see your card?" The man said.

Nicholas frowned, "card? It's my first time here. Did you mean the membership card?" He said to the man. He was even surprised to see that the man didn't recognize his face. Didn't his dad say that they would recognize him once he walked in?

"You need to present your membership card sir." The man said. "It's mandatory sir." The man took a moment to consider if he was rich or not. No poor man can just walk in and order for a meal at Dinner O.

"Okay then, let me know how much I'll need to spend then." Nicholas said to the man.

He gave an awkward look, "well you can't just get a membership card with us. You'll need a referral of some kind. And it takes a while before that happens."

"Well I'm hungry and I need to eat. How about a referral from the CEO of Grahams Enterprise, huh?" Nicholas said.

There was a cold laughter from behind him. He frowned towards the voice and saw that it was a lady with reddish hair and thin lips.

"Hello, Nicky. What the hell is someone like you doing here?" The lady asked.

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