Nicholas rolled his eyes upon seeing the lady before him. Tania Edward, Maya's best friend who hated him with everything.

Tania wanted her best friend to end things with her from the moment she had laid eyes on Nicholas, so he too was not fond of her.

"Tania, that is none of your concern." Nicholas shot her a warning glance which of course, she ignored and pressed on.

"Haha! Of course this man is poor and doesn't belong here." She was talking to the waiter now, making her voice loud so people would begin to notice them. "Am I not right, Nicholas?"

He would not give her the satisfaction of making himself angry. Instead he said, "what about you? What are you doing here?"

"Well unlike you, I can afford this restaurant. I have a membership card so I want to get a meal." She looked around, "guards, why is this filth still here? He's poor and he can steal from us. Send him out now."

"Shut up, Tania. And mind your business." He frowned. Taking a look at the card she was holding and flaunting in the air, he saw that it was the membership card of the lowest rank. Something she must have sweat to get.

An idea was forming in his mind now.

"You know what, Tania? Are you up for a game?" His brows arched up as he waited for her response.

"A game? With you? Well that is just pure nonsense--" He cut her off and went on.

"A game, yes. You act like you're so rich but all you carry is the lowest rank of Diner O membership card." He said and could hear a few laughter from the audience.

Tania's face flustered red in embarrassment. If only Nicholas knew what she had done, the people she had slept with before she could get that card! How dare he mock her now!

"You act like you're so rich. Then how come you can't even get any card at all, huh? You poor rag." She spat out angrily.

"Well this is where our game begins. I will get a meal from the most expensive membership card menu, and I won't pay a dime. I won't even use a card." Nicholas said proudly. He could see those two buffy men from behind now, coming towards his side.

There had to be a way of winning this game if truly his father owned Diner O. There had to be a way...

Tania was already laughing now. "And then, if you can't do as you've said? What should I do in return?" She asked.

"Anything you wish. I'll comply." Nicholas said simply.

"Wow, how can you be so confident like this? Anyhow, once you're sleeping in jail tonight, it will give you a reminder never to mess with the rich." She said,

Nicholas could feel everyone's eyes on him now, wondering how he still had the nerve to stay, wondering the strategy he was planning on using to win the game.

At least, he wanted people to be looking at them so they would be able to watch Tania fail miserably.

"And if I win, you will fall to your knees right here, and say you are sorry for all the bad things you have done in my life and I will consider not sending you to jail." Nicholas said to her.

The woman snorted loudly. "Nonsense. Keep on dreaming, loser. I will never apologize for things I've said or done. Maya is better off without a beggar like you!"

The waiter might have not recognized Nicholas, but as soon as he saw the two buffy men from behind, he began to fidget.

"Sir? Is anything wrong?" Asked one of his bodyguards.

Nicholas shook his head, then turned to the waiter. "Right? Mr. Waiter?"

The man shifted glances between both men behind Nicholas and nodded. "Y--yes sir. No problem at all."

Both hefty men who had been following him certainly held a high reputation around. Billy and Bobby, they were one of the important faces of Graham's Enterprise, along with Lindsay too.

And seeing them with Nicholas, especially when they called him "Sir", it wouldn't take long for people to realize he was someone of high status too.

Nicholas relaxed a bit now. "I want the most expensive dish on your menu, as well as your finest wine. And I won't be using any membership card, Mr. Waiter." He smiled at the man who quickly gave an awkward bow.

"Yes sir. Coming right up!" And with that, he hurried from his sight to start making preparation.

Nicholas turned back to face Tania. People who had been watching couldn't hide their hint of surprise as some began to clap and cheer for Nicholas. Others began to mumble, and really loudly:

"Who does she think she is? I'm sure that young man must be really rich and influential." Someone said,

"Well I hope he punishes her for losing. I know that lady well, and she only causes trouble everywhere she goes!" Said another one, a lady with wide eyes.

Others began to talk too, and Tania couldn't hide the embarrassment in her eyes any longer. She snapped.

"Hey you, take this man away!" She called Bobby and Billy.

Nicholas shook his head for her. Foolish girl, calling on his own bodyguards to chase him out.

"Are you deaf! Take this filth out of here right now!" She continued to command but Bobby and Billy only glared at her like she was someone who belonged in a mental hospital.

Finally, she rushed forward and called the security at the entrance. "Get this man out of here! He's a thief and a liar!"

Nicholas could see she was panicking now, realizing that she had lost the game. Both men flashed a questioning look at him, as if asking what they should do to her.

"She owes me an apology. She owes me that big time." Nicholas said to them, remembering all the times Tania had embarrassed him publicly before. When she had even hit him in the presence of people, and said bad words to him.

Bobby and Billy nodded to that and went towards Tania. The sneaky lady was trying to run away, seeing that she could not do anything again and had lost the game, but these men caught up to her just in time.

With one hand, Bobby raised her up and carried her to Nicholas, then threw her to the ground.

Billy forced her to kneel before Nicholas. "Apologize now, and we won't punch you till all your teeth are removed." He said to her,

Fear had gripped her heart tight now and she realized she was in big trouble.

"You might not know us, but we know you. And we know you work at Lola fashion house. Just a simple apology, or get ready to lose everything you've got." Bobby warned.

Tania realized that that job was where most of her source of income was coming from. If she lost it now to her foolish pride...

She fell to her knees. "No! Please, forgive me. I'm sorry for everything that has happened or what I've done, hmm? Forgive me now, Nicholas!" She caught both men frowning at her, "I mean, master Nicholas. Please forgive me!"

Finally, Nicholas waved his hand to Bobby and Billy and they gave a nod. They pulled her to her feet and as they were about to throw her outside, a short man ran forward,

"You are banned from Diner O, young miss!. Your membership card will be terminated. Don't ever set foot here, else, you will face severe consequences." The man said.

He then faced Nicholas in a low bow. "Young master! Forgive me for not intervening since. Please, I am the manager of this great restaurant and I promise to serve you well like I have served your father."

Nicholas only nodded. So this was his life now? "I just want to eat." He said as his stomach grumbled.

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