Nicholas has a decent night's sleep for the first time in a while. The next morning, a woman slightly older than him but beautiful with a lovely physique, knocked on the door.

When he opened up, the woman smiled and introduced herself. "Hello young master, I am Tamara, the manager of the mansion workers." She said,

"Please sir if you need anything, do not hesitate to tell us. Your father is not going to be around for a while so he asked that I pass down that message to you." The lady said.

Nicholas frowned. "Where did he go?"

"Oh that is how he travels. He is on a business trip. Definitely, he will call to explain further to you sir." The lady explained.

"I would like to see everywhere, maybe when you are free you can show me around?" Asked Nicholas.

"Of course sir. But first, we will bring breakfast for you now. It is being prepared now." She said,

Different dishes were served and Nicholas didn't even know which to choose from. He licked his hand as he dug into chicken laps and ate spaghetti and different kinds of desserts. Then the memory of his ex wife flashed to his eyes again.

"Can you remember how you used to mock me, Maya?" He said to himself. "Well now I am better and richer. So the loss is on you." He said, then continued his meal.

He continued for a few days until he said he wanted to resume work. His father had spoken to him already and explained he would be back in a while.

He had already called Lindsay and she said she would be waiting for him at the company. His outfit was so nice and he had gotten a nice haircut. Nicholas felt he was ready to face the world again.

His driver was waiting outside already. "Hello young master." He said and Nicholas greeted him too as he got into the car. "The ride to Graham Enterprise isn't too far. We should arrive in just a few minutes." He said and Nicholas gave a nod.

Truly, they had arrived there in such a short while. The building was big as usual, just the same as what Nicholas always saw when he was passing in front of the company, without ever guessing he would one day own that company.

Stepping inside, the hall was wide and spacious with so many people busy with their job. He was about to call Lindsay that he was already around when he bumped into a familiar face.

The man frowned heavily. "Are you blind? How dare you walk close to me and nearly hurt me!" He yelled out.

"I'm sor--" as Nicholas raised his head up, he saw that it was Bob Fisher. He quickly took his words back, rephrasing. "Oh it's you, are you blind? You should watch where you're going."

Bob looked so stunned that he would talk to him like that. "Do you know who I am? Of course you do. And yet I am wondering why you are not falling to your knees begging me now."

Anger masked Nicholas face, seeing the disgusting man again.

"Well would you look at this," the man eyed Nicholas up and down. "You're all dressed up. I wonder what the special occasion is for? Are you looking for a job here?" Bob Fisher asked.

"And why would that be any of your concern?" Nicholas said.

"Wow. You have so much confidence too. Who would have thought Maya kicking you out can make you change so much like this. You know I start to feel bad that she sent you away." Bob Fisher said.

"Can you even hear yourself? You sound so stupid." Nicholas said.

"You are right. I love how you pretend like you don't need me by the way. Listen, I can tell you are looking for another cleaning job again so you can earn a salary from this company too. Just beg me and maybe I will help."

"Beg you? What can you possibly do for me, Bob Fisher?" Nicholas said.

He looked hurt to see that Nicholas had just called him by his name. "You are so stupid. I can't believe that you have an opportunity to get on your knees and beg me for a job, but you are throwing it away. Do you know who I am?" Bob Fisher said.

"I am Bob Fisher, one of the most reputable staff of Graham Enterprise. I am far richer than you and you know it too."

"You have really stepped the line now, Bob Fisher. And now, I will make you pay. You will suffer and beg for mercy but no one will be there to help you." Nicholas said in anger.

Bob Fisher threw his head back and roared in laughter. "This is absurd. A low peasant like you, giving empty threats. You know what, I am not joking any more. You are never getting a job here, I'll make sure of it. And I'll even get you fired at your old job too!"

"I will show you the reason your gold digger lover left you for me without even thinking twice. You will regret this moment, not bowing down to me. I will make your life a living hell." And with that, Bob Fisher walked away.

"You are the one who will regret this, Bob Fisher." Nicholas vowed.

To his far left, a lady was already walking towards his side. It was none other than Lindsay. She wore a baby pink dress with dark colour heels and her hair was styled into a neat bun. She was very beautiful too, Nicholas realized that was what he was thinking as he stared at her.

"Mr. Nicholas, I am so sorry. I hope I haven't kept you waiting for too long?" She asked with a smile on her face.

Nicholas shook his head. "No. I just came in now."

"Please come with me sir. Let me introduce you to the staff and show you around." She said and led the way.

Every corner they turned to amazed Nicholas. He mentioned it to Lindsay sometimes, other times he kept to himself. Even while they were at the reception, there were a lot of people there. They all rose up as they saw Lindsay, but she said they should sit back.

She introduced Nicholas to a few important people before he advised they just sit and talk instead. She led him to her office and they sat down.

"I saw that you were talking to Bob Fisher earlier." Lindsay mentioned. "I am sorry if I blurted out. I should keep quiet."

"No, that is alright. You're right. That was him." Nicholas said immediately.

"He causes trouble every time. I am so glad this is the last warning the company is giving him." She said,

"Last warning?"

"Yes sir. We can fire him at any time. He never meets our demands and begs everytime that it gets so annoying now." She explained.

Nicholas seemed intrigued by that news. Lindsay continued to say some other things and they chatted a while longer.

His phone rang and he saw it was his old colleague at work, Cynthia who he owed money.

"Sorry, I have to pick this call, Lindsay." He said and went on. Lindsay headed out to give him a little privacy.

He heaved in a deep sigh and picked up. He had missed a few days at work now and didn't even return anyone's call until that day.

"Oh my goodness, Nicholas!" Was what Cynthia said as soon as Nicholas picked up. "Where the hell have you been? Oh is it because you owe me money that you ran away? You really have to pay me, Nicholas or else--"

Nicholas was starting to get angry. He is rich now and can pay her anyway. Besides, Cynthia was always so rude to him even though he was older than her. If it had not been because he was trying to make Maya happy, he would. It has even borrowed money from her.

"Hey that is enough. I will give you your money already. Is that the reason you called me?" He asked.

"What? Oh better. You had better pay me my money, Nicholas." She said."And hold up, before you hang up, just know you had better have a good reason for missing work. Boss is planning something drastic and you might even end up in jail."

Nicholas frowned."Jail? What nonsense are you spewing, Cynthia? You know what, I even need to pay him a visit." He said.

Before she could say anything again, he hung up. Well he would eventually tell him he was about to quit his job. Besides, he had better go for himself to hear why his boss would want to lock him up in jail.

On his way out, he saw Lindsay around. "Hey I need to be somewhere now. See you later."

"No problem, young master." The lady said.

In no time, Nicholas arrived at work and searched around for a familiar face.

Cynthia sighted him and called out his name. "You are in serious trouble, young man."

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