Author: Sweeterman

Tyrone stood at the altar, his face beaming with smiles expecting his bride to walk up to him with her father any moment from now. He took a deep breath for the umpteenth time that day and adjusted his stance as he continued to wait. 

He couldn't believe that the day when he'd finally get married to the love of his life had finally come. The woman who he had secretly sacrificed all his life earnings for just so she could get the leading role she had dreamed of having in the movie industry. 

He adjusted his blue pocket filler and kept his eyes on the door up ahead, the smile still evident on his face. This day was the second happiest moment of his life, the first had been when he proposed to Judy and she immediately agreed to marry him. 

"The hell, it's almost an hour now, and the bride hasn't shown up yet, are you sure she's going to come." A guest I'm the crowd said, loud enough for Tyrone to hear her. 

A frown settled on Tyrone's face as soon as he heard that but he tried as much as possible to conceal his feelings. Judy wouldn't just do that to him, he loved her so much and he knew that she loved him as much as he did. 

"Yep, she's definitely not coming." The lady's voice came again, causing Tyrone to spin around. 

"Excuse me." He started, pointing a finger at the woman, not minding the attention he was drawing to himself. "If you don't stop making comments like that, I might have to throw you out." He said and adjusted his tux. 

"Take it easy, Ty. I think you should call Judy and ask her what causing the hold up." Fred, Tyrone's best friend and best man walked up to him and said. 

"Cool... Yeah, I think I should do that right now." Tyrone said, already losing his cool, what the lady had said had gotten to him. He had to find out what was keeping Judy back. 

"Are you with my phone?" Tyrone asked after he had searched his pockets and he couldn't find his phone. 

"Uhm, yeah... I think I should have it somewhe..." Fred's voice trailed off as he concentrated on checking his own pockets for Tyrone's phone. 

"Here it is," Fred said, pulling out the phone from his back pocket and handing it to Tyrone. Tyrone snatched it from his grasp and quickly dialed Judy's line. He gave Fred a questioning look as the line that was just going through a moment ago was marked as unavailable. 

"The hell!" Tyrone cursed silently under his breath and dialed the number again. 

"How cruel can she be, she stood the poor guy up I'm their own wedding!" Another remark came from the crowd, and other murmurings began to follow until the whole place became noisy. 

"Calm down everyone," Fred turned to the crowd to say, spreading his arms open. "There's no need for the uproar. Judy's going to be here anytime soon, maybe she's being delayed by something." 

"Of course, she's being delayed alright." A young man who looked like he was in his early twenties said, his eyes glued to the screen of his phone. 

"What.. what do you mean by that?" Tyrone asked, after putting a call through to Judy for the fifteenth time. 

"Ain't this your wife at the movie opening premiere that's going on right now?" The man asked with a tinge of sarcasm in his tone, revealing his screen to Tyrone. 

Tyrone squinted his eyes and walked up to the young man. Loud gasps and mocking laughter coursed through the atmosphere as Tyrone took the phone from the man and confirmed that it was Judy. 

"Judy?!" Tyrone called out softly with a mixture of disbelief and disappointment in his tone. The movie premiere was being streamed live, with Judy in the spotlight with her movie director's hand firmly around her waist. 

Tyrone watched in horror as his fiancee locked lips with her director and blew a kiss at the camera. 

"I'll take that. Thank you." The young man said and took his phone from Tyrone's trembling grasp.

Tyrone clutched his chest tightly and sank into the empty chair beside the young man. The man stared at Tyrone with pity in his eyes and darted his eyes back to his screen, watching the premier as it unfolded. 

Tyrone had been tossed into another realm, his heart was pounding vigorously against his chest and sweat had broken out on his forehead. He looked down at the ground and it felt as if the floor was spinning under his feet. 

"She isn't coming, is she?" Fred asked, putting his hand on Tyrone's shoulders. Tyrone shook his head in the negative and wiped the tears from his eyes, he was a man and he couldn't let anyone see him in his most vulnerable moment. He sniffed and got up to his feet. 

"Shit, Ty.." Fred replied. "I warned you about that gold digger, but you didn't listen to me, you were so blinded by love that you didn't see that she was clearly using you for your money." 

"All your years of hard work just down the drain like that," Fred added. 

Tyrone kept mute as Fred continued to speak and all of a sudden, Tyrone began to make his way back to the altar. 

"Where are you going to?" Fred asked as he trailed behind him. 

Tyrone didn't respond to him until he got to the altar. 

"Hey everyone!" He said at the top of his lungs and the whole place suddenly went quiet save for a subtle "What now?!" That came from the crowd. 

"The wedding has been called off, but it's going to be held another day, in that case, you are all free to eat and drink to your fill," Tyrone announced and got down from the altar and made his way out. 

"That guy must be really dumb, well at least I get to eat the food earlier than expected." The same lady from earlier said. 

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