Thrown Out

"Are you crazy, Tyrone?" Fred bellowed, running after Tyrone to stop him in his tracks. Fred barely called Tyrone by his full name unless he was about to do something and he needed to calm him to order, and right now, Tyrone was about to do something completely outrageous by crashing the movie premiere. 

"Tyrone... Ty. Tyrone, can you just stop and listen to me for a moment?" Fred yelled as he continued to run after Tyrone. "Going to that premier is a bad idea, Ty, why don't you take a moment and think about it," Fred said again but Tyrone wasn't listening, instead, he kept running as fast as his legs could carry him. 

" least take a taxi, instead of running and save your strength," Fred suggested and stopped running, Tyrone had already ran out of his reach. 

Fred cupped his hand around his mouth and screamed at the top of his lungs. "Tyrone!!" 

"Aw, screw it!" Fred cursed under his breath and threw his hand down in resignation and headed back to the church to quench his parched throat after all the running he had done. 

Tyrone was hyperventilating by the time he got to the entrance of the penthouse where the movie premiere was still in session. He rested his hands on his knees and tried to get his breath, he looked up to be sure that he was at the right address. 

His head fell to the floor as the streams of tears he had been holding back finally began to cascade down his cheeks and onto the floor. 

"All my years of hard work, for Judy," Tyrone said to himself, choking on the words, unable to believe that Judy would have the heart to do this to him. He couldn't believe it, he didn't want to believe it. He stood up and wiped the tears and perspiration on his face with the sleeve of his tux and walked up to the entrance, he was about to make his way in when he was stopped by two burly men. 

"Your pass, mister." One of the men said in a deep baritone voice. He had a look of irritation on his face as he if was disgusted by the mere existence of Tyrone and he was ready to throw him out any moment from now. 

"Your pass." The man repeated. 

"I don't have any...I just want to..." Tyrone was running out of breath as he spoke, he paused and tried to catch his breath before he went on to say. "I just want to see Judy." He added. 

"Of course you can see her, we just need your pass." The second man said, handing his hand out to Tyrone, the man ran his eyes over Tyrone taking in the sight of how distraught Tyrone looked. 

Tyrone realised that the men weren't going to allow him in without a pass so he pretended to search his pockets for a fake pass that was never there. 

"Look, I think I left my pass in my car and it's parked just somewhere down the road," Tyrone lied in between his teeth and pointed to the back. 

"I promise if you let me speak to Judy, I'm going to go back and get the pass." 

"Not gonna happen." The first man let out with disdain and folded his bulky arms that could barely stay under his armpits. 

"Please just let me in m, I promise I'm not going to take up to a minute in there," Tyrone said with desperation in his voice. 

"You heard him, sir. No pass, no entry." The second man added quite apologetically. 

Tyrone huffed and stepped back. "Okay, I understand." He lied and pretended to walk away. Before the men could realize what was happening, Tyrone turned back and ran past the men and into the penthouse. 

"What the hell!" The first security guard exclaimed and immediately ran after Tyrone. "That lying snake is going to cost me my job." The second guard said while running. 

Tyrone ran down a corridor until he got to the main hall where Judy was about to be presented with the role of the female lead of the new movie. 

"Judy!!" Tyrone screamed at the top of his lungs. "Judy how could you?!" He added and all heads turned to look at him. 

Judy's eyes bulged in surprise as she beheld Tyrone standing just a few meters across from her. 

Tyrone found himself at a loss for words. He opened his mouth to say something but then hesitated. 

"How could you do this to me, Judy?!" Tyrone bellowed, tears already clouding his eyes. "Today was meant to be our special day." 

"You're embarrassing me, Tyrone, get out of here!" Judy ordered him. "And who let this madman in here?" Judy shot out and her words pierced through Tyrone's heart like a sharp knife. 

"Did you just call me a madman?" Tyrone asked in disbelief. 

"I'm so sorry everyone," Judy said, ignoring Tyrone. "I didn't mean for this to happen." She added. 

"Now tell me," Judy started, making her way toward him with the director's hand clasped in hers. "Which do you think it's more important to me, Tyrone, this stupid wedding or being presented with the role that I've been dreaming of having for three years now?" She spat the question in his face. 

"For three years, Judy. Three years." Tyrone said, holding up three fingers, "I've supported your career, I used all of my money and met with all the people in the industry I could think of just so you could land this leading role."

"Oh please!" Judy waved her hand at him. "You think the reason I'm here is because of your stupid support?" 

Tyrone couldn't believe that Judy was the one talking to him this way. Before Tyrone could respond, one of the security guards came up and grabbed him by the neck

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