The Sting of Betrayal

Tyrone didn't try to put up a fight even when the security guard constantly slapped him across his face. 

"You sick bastard, do you know I could have been fired for that crazy stunt you pulled out there?" The guard said and slapped him again before he finally dragged Tyrone back to the entrance and threw him out of the place. 

"If you still love your life, I don't want to see you around here... Now get!" The guard said and pushed Tyrone till he fell to the floor. 

Tyrone picked himself up from the floor and slowly made his way back. He turned back to look at the place and caught the eyes of the security still staring intently at him. 

"I said get!" The guard shouted from the distance, causing Tyrone to continue moving until he disappeared from the guard's sight. 

The sun was still up in the sky and it was grazing Tyrone's skin so badly that his face had turned red totally. He instinctively navigated his way to a bar. He pushed through the door and made his way inside. 

Some people turned to look at him wondering what a man dressed in a tuxedo might be doing at a drinking bar by this time of the day. Tyrone ignored their gazes and made his way to the counter to order some shots. 

"Good afternoon sir, I've never seen you around here before." The bartender greeted Tyrone with a deep country accent cleaning some shot glasses with a towel. 

"Can I get your hottest gin?" Tyrone asks the bartender completely ignoring his greetings. 

The bartender stared at Tyrone intently before he flung the towel across one of his shoulders. "You got something you wanna take off your chest?" The bartender asked, placing both hands on the counter. 

"I don't want to talk about it," Tyrone said flatly, dropping his gaze to the floor. 

"Alright then, two shots of hot gin coming right up." The bartender announced and turned back to grab two bottles filled to the grab with alcoholic liquids. 

He unscrewed the bottles and poured a sizeable amount of both bottles into a large glass and covered the top with a lid. He shook the glass vigorously before pouring the contents into two shot glasses and offering it to Tyrone who gulped it down quickly. 

"Give me another two," Tyrone said to him and immediately the bartender repeated the process of mixing the both drinks from the top. 

Tyrone brought out his phone and went through his messages before going on to check his call logs. There were several missed calls from Fred, his family members, and other familiar guests he had invited to his wedding. 

He closed his eyes and gripped his phone tightly in his palm, he couldn't deny the fact that he had been expecting a message from Judy but he knew that that was just him being delusional. He dropped his phone gently on the counter and quickly gulped down the contents of both glasses. 

Tyrone picked up his phone and ordered the bartender to pour out four more glasses for him. 

"You sure about that sir, this gin is really strong." The bartender tried to warn him. 

"Then you can as well pay for the glasses I've had." Tyrone shot at him angrily. 

"I'm sorry sir," the bartender said and hurriedly turned around to mix more drinks for him. 

The alcohol hadn't started to hit him yet and he had to take more drinks for him to start to feel tipsy. He went to Judy's contact and sent her a text message, apologizing for all that he had done and asking her if she could come home to him. 

He pressed the send button and waited for minutes for Judy to respond to him but her reply wasn't forthcoming. He tugged at his hair in frustration and kept his phone on the counter. 

The shots came and Tyrone drank just two glasses before the alcohol started to hit him. He buried his head In between his hands and rested his elbow on the counter for support. 

He wanted to wake up from whatever nightmare this was cause this couldn't be a dream. He had secretly invested all of his life savings just so Judy could become a movie star because he thought that she loved him. He checked his phone to see if there was any response from Judy but the only messages that were there were the thousands of texts from Fred and his mother. 

"Shit!" He cursed, it had finally hit him, the realization that Judy had stood him up at their wedding and had left him for good dawned on him. 

"Do you need more sir?" The bartender asked him. 

Tyrone looked at the man drowsily before he brought his head back down and shook his head. He gulped the last shot and took out his wallet and paid him before he walked away from the bar. 

Tyrone checked his phone for the time, it was already a few minutes past six o clock and it was gone to head back home. Tyrone took off his coat and tied it around his waist before he continued walking. 

When Tyrone got back home, he was surprised to find out that the door was unlocked. He pressed down the knob and made his way inside. 

"Hello," he called out "Is there anyone here?" He asked and began to make his way upstairs to the bedroom he used to share with Judy when he began to hear some strange sounds coming from the bedroom. 

He stopped in his tracks and strained his ears but he couldn't make out the sounds. He quickened his pace and pushed open the door and to his greatest surprise, he found Judy in the bed naked with the director humping his waist vigorously on top of Judy. 

"What the hell is going on here!" Tyrone screamed at the top of his lungs

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