The Call

Tyrone rubbed his eyes incessantly, he couldn't believe what his eyes had just seen. 

"Judy? What the hell?" He questioned in disbelief, his face flushing red with anger. 

The director got down from Judy and covered himself with the sheets leaving only Judy naked in the bed. 

"What the hell, Tyrone, don't you remember how to knock, this is still my house remember?" Judy yelled at him, getting up from the bed and using another sheet to cover up her nakedness. She tied the sheet firmly around her chest before she looked up to Tyrone and stared at him with spite in her eyes. 

Tyrone was boiling with anger that his whole body was starting to tremble. Without waiting to exchange words with Judy, Tyrone rushed in the direction and tried strangling him, his suit loosening from his waist and falling to the ground. 

"Andy!!" Judy screamed, seeing what Tyrone was about to do. "Don't you dare try to kill him, Tyrone," Judy screamed and jumped on top of Tyrone, trying to pull him away from Andy. 

But it seemed like Andy had been expecting this kind of reaction from Tyrone because he quickly pushed Tyrone off him without contemplating and stood up from the bed. 

Tyrone got up from the floor, fuming in anger. His eyes darted across the room looking for a heavy object he could use as a weapon to attack Andy with but there was none. 

Judy had fallen to the floor too but she got up immediately and walked up to Tyrone, slapping him hard across the face. 

"How dare you?!" She screamed into his face.

Tyrone held his affected cheek and glared at Judy with surprise. "Judy, you slapped me because of him?" He asked in disbelief, pointing at Andy. 

"And I will do it over and over again," Judy informed him. 

Tyrone fell silent only watching the rise and fall of Judy's chest. 

"You stupid pig, dare to try to strangle me hunh?" Andy bellowed, easing the pains of the injuries inflicted on his neck as a result of Tyrone trying to strangle him to death. 

"I swear, I'm going to make you pay." He added. 

"Do you really think that I was in love with you?" Judy asked Tyrone sarcastically. "You really think that you were the one who bought the lead role for me?"

"You must be the most delusional person to ever exist if you think that. You were only a fool that I was using Tyrone. And you actually believed that I was going to marry you, never!" Judy said with all the disgust she could muster in her tone. 

"It's all over, Tyrone, get over it and move on because I never loved you, I will never love, Andy is the one I love and that's who I'm going to get married to," Judy said and turned around to grab her purse. 

She took the purse from the table where it was and unzipped it. She took out the engagement ring Tyrone had proposed to her with and threw it at his face. 

"You really thought I would ever get married to a broke bastard like yourself." Judy blurted out. 

Tyrone stood, still holding his cheeks as he watched Judy put her clothes on. She walked up to Andy and Inspected his neck. 

"You didn't get hurt, did you?" She asked with genuine concern etched in her tone. 

"Just a little bit," Andy responded. 

"This isn't a little at all!" Judy exclaimed when she saw the marks all over Andy's neck. 

"Come let me get you treated," Judy said. 

"Of course that isn't enough you bloody bastard!" Tyrone said and launched himself at him, delivering a heavy blow across his cheeks that sent him crashing to the floor. 

"Tyrone, you beast!!!! Leave him alone." Judy cried out but Tyrone wasn't paying any attention to her as he leaned in for another blow. Andy was quick enough to roll out of the way and quickly recovered from the blow and stood up. 

"You fool, you dare to lay hands on me again," Andy yelled out furiously before he went after Tyrone and kneed him in the stomach, he didn't give Tyrone any breathing space to recover before he punched him in the jaw, Tyrone fell backward, his mouth bleeding heavily. 

The blood spilled from his jaw and down to his clothes. He tried to get back up and fight but he felt a sharp pain in his stomach that kept him back on the floor. 

Andy launched at him again and gave him another punch in his jaw. 

"Ugh!" Tyrone grunted in pain as more blood gushed out from his mouth. 

"That's enough, Andy!" Judy shouted at him, causing him to halt with his hand in the air. Judy didn't ask Andy to stop because she felt remorseful for him, she thought she deserved every blow that was coming his way for trying to hurt Andy, she only asked Andy to stop hitting him so that he wouldn't kill him in the process. 

"Let's get out of here," Judy said softly to him and handed his clothes to him. 

He yanked it from her grasp and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He hurriedly put his shorts on first before he walked into the bathroom to wash the blood from his fingers. He came back out and put the rest of his clothes on. 

"Let's go," Andy said, grabbing Judy by the hand. He shot Tyrone one last angry look before he walked out of the room with Judy trailing behind him. 

Judy turned back to give him the middle finger before she closed the room's door. 

Tyrone sat there, on the floor, motionless the gin he had taken earlier spilling from the corner of his mouth along with the blood. He had never been this humiliated in his whole life, Judy had taken his love for her and shoved it up his ass. Tyrone fell his energy being drained out of him and as he closed his eyes, he heard his phone ring out loudly. 

He reached for his pocket and surprisingly, his phone was still in one piece. He stared down at the screen, his eyes glued to the unknown number that was ringing his phone. 

He swallowed the blood in his mouth before he went on to answer the call. 

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