Near Death Experience

"Hello!" Tyrone said, struggling to get from the floor, he was about to sit down on the bed when he caught small drops of sperm on the bed, in fact, Tyrone just realized for the first time that the whole place smelt like sex. 

He managed to walk out of the room and walked down to the sitting room. 

"Hello?" Tyrone called out again when no response was forthcoming. 

"Good evening, am I onto Mr. Tyrone Jefferson?" Came a male voice. Tyrone raised an eyebrow wondering who Tyrone Jefferson was, obviously, the person at the other end of the phone had mistaken him. 

"Yes I am Tyrone but not..." 

"Oh thank goodness, sir, your grandfather has been searching the whole country for you." 

"My grandfather? My grandfather died a long time ago. Tyrone managed to reply with the blood still in his mouth. 

"I appreciate the sarcasm sir but your grandfather is still in the hospital but not dead yet and he wants to see you." 

"Uhm, I think you've got the wrong person, my name is Tyrone Rodriguez and not Jefferson." Tyrone tried explaining as he undid the buttons of his shirt. 

"That's what you think sir, but your grandfather would soon give up the ghost and he wants you by his side when he dies." 

Tyrone started coughing up blood all of a sudden, unable to respond to what the man had said. Out of reflex, he ended the call and dropped the phone, and quickly ran into the bathroom to throw up the blood.

He vomited a whole lot of blood and flushed it down the sink. "ugh!" He groaned and wiped his mouth with the back of his palm. 

He went back into the room and picked up his phone, he felt the way he had ended the call was rude so he decided to call the person back again, and as he was about to dial the number, the same person called back. 

Tyrone picked up the call immediately. "I'm so sorry about the way I ended the call, I had to attend to something," Tyrone said. 

There was an awkward silence, save for the man's breathing at the other end of the phone. "it's okay." The man said. 

"Can you tell me where your house address is, we'll come pick you up in a few minutes." 

Tyrone was about to give him the address before he stopped to think about it. "Uhm, why do you need my house address?" Tyrone asked, raising his brow. 

"Your grandfather has instructed us to come pick you up." 

Tyrone didn't have the time to ask how many of them were there. "I said you've got the wrong Tyrone and my grandfather died a long time ago," Tyrone said. 

"I've got to go now," Tyrone said and ended the call without waiting for the man to respond. 

He threw the phone gently onto the couch and sat down beside it, clutching his head tightly, the pain in his stomach was growing intense by the moment. 

"I need to get to the hospital as soon as possible." That bastard just has bruised a lot of vital organs in my stomach." He seethed through his teeth and stood up. He grabbed his phone and shoved it into his pocket and headed for the exit. 


"Tyrone, are you in there?" Fred's voice came from the living room. 

"Yes, I'm up here." Tyrone responded "And you're just in time." He added to himself as the pain in his stomach intensified. 

Fred ran up the stairs and into the room. "Shit!" He cursed the moment he saw Tyrone, the front of his shirt soaked with blood from his mouth. 

"What the hell happened to you?" Fred asked, running his eyes all over Tyrone. 

"Just get me to the hospital, Fred," Tyrone said with an air of urgency as he grabbed Fred by the shoulder.

"Oh okay!" Fred said immediately and helped Tyrone down the stairs till they were out of the house and inside Fred's car. 

Fred started the engines and zoomed off to the hospital. 

"Faster, Fred!" Tyrone called from the back seat as his breathing grew worse by the minute. 

"I can't go any faster than this, Ty, we're already past the speed limit. Just hang in there buddy, we'll be at the hospital soon." Fred informed him, darting his eyes from the rearview mirror and then back to the road. 

In no time, they were already at the hospital. 

"What the hell, Fred, you brought me to St Louis hospital, how the hell am I supposed to afford this place, I spent the last money I have on the wedding, I don't have any money left." 

"The hell? You're freaking dying Tyrone and the only thing you're thinking about is how you can afford to pay for your treatment?" 

"Well yeah, I'm the one dying and not you." Tyrone mustered all his strength to sound as sarcastic as possible. "Come help me out of here before you start planning on how to pay for my funeral instead of my treatment," Tyrone said and stretched out his hand to Fred. 

Fred got down from the driver's seat and helped Tyrone out of the passenger seat. 

"Easy now," Fred said to Tyrone as they made their way into the hospital. 

"Are there no freaking nurses around here?" Fred bellowed before a few nurses came rushing out. They retrieved Tyrone from Fred and took him inside. Tyrone had started coughing out more blood and he reeked of blood with a mixture of strong gin that made the nurses wringle their noses. 

"Mr Tyrone Jefferson, is that you?" A man dressed in the finest suit Tyrone had ever seen stood at the entrance. 

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