All Chapters of RISE OF TYRONE, THE ENTITLED BILLIONAIRE : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
54 chapters
Tyrone stood at the altar, his face beaming with smiles expecting his bride to walk up to him with her father any moment from now. He took a deep breath for the umpteenth time that day and adjusted his stance as he continued to wait. He couldn't believe that the day when he'd finally get married to the love of his life had finally come. The woman who he had secretly sacrificed all his life earnings for just so she could get the leading role she had dreamed of having in the movie industry. He adjusted his blue pocket filler and kept his eyes on the door up ahead, the smile still evident on his face. This day was the second happiest moment of his life, the first had been when he proposed to Judy and she immediately agreed to marry him. "The hell, it's almost an hour now, and the bride hasn't shown up yet, are you sure she's going to come." A guest I'm the crowd said, loud enough for Tyrone to hear her. A frown settled on Tyrone's face as soon as he heard that but he tried as much as
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Thrown Out
"Are you crazy, Tyrone?" Fred bellowed, running after Tyrone to stop him in his tracks. Fred barely called Tyrone by his full name unless he was about to do something and he needed to calm him to order, and right now, Tyrone was about to do something completely outrageous by crashing the movie premiere. "Tyrone... Ty. Tyrone, can you just stop and listen to me for a moment?" Fred yelled as he continued to run after Tyrone. "Going to that premier is a bad idea, Ty, why don't you take a moment and think about it," Fred said again but Tyrone wasn't listening, instead, he kept running as fast as his legs could carry him. " least take a taxi, instead of running and save your strength," Fred suggested and stopped running, Tyrone had already ran out of his reach. Fred cupped his hand around his mouth and screamed at the top of his lungs. "Tyrone!!" "Aw, screw it!" Fred cursed under his breath and threw his hand down in resignation and headed back to the church to quench his parched
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The Sting of Betrayal
Tyrone didn't try to put up a fight even when the security guard constantly slapped him across his face. "You sick bastard, do you know I could have been fired for that crazy stunt you pulled out there?" The guard said and slapped him again before he finally dragged Tyrone back to the entrance and threw him out of the place. "If you still love your life, I don't want to see you around here... Now get!" The guard said and pushed Tyrone till he fell to the floor. Tyrone picked himself up from the floor and slowly made his way back. He turned back to look at the place and caught the eyes of the security still staring intently at him. "I said get!" The guard shouted from the distance, causing Tyrone to continue moving until he disappeared from the guard's sight. The sun was still up in the sky and it was grazing Tyrone's skin so badly that his face had turned red totally. He instinctively navigated his way to a bar. He pushed through the door and made his way inside. Some people tur
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The Call
Tyrone rubbed his eyes incessantly, he couldn't believe what his eyes had just seen. "Judy? What the hell?" He questioned in disbelief, his face flushing red with anger. The director got down from Judy and covered himself with the sheets leaving only Judy naked in the bed. "What the hell, Tyrone, don't you remember how to knock, this is still my house remember?" Judy yelled at him, getting up from the bed and using another sheet to cover up her nakedness. She tied the sheet firmly around her chest before she looked up to Tyrone and stared at him with spite in her eyes. Tyrone was boiling with anger that his whole body was starting to tremble. Without waiting to exchange words with Judy, Tyrone rushed in the direction and tried strangling him, his suit loosening from his waist and falling to the ground. "Andy!!" Judy screamed, seeing what Tyrone was about to do. "Don't you dare try to kill him, Tyrone," Judy screamed and jumped on top of Tyrone, trying to pull him away from Andy.
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Near Death Experience
"Hello!" Tyrone said, struggling to get from the floor, he was about to sit down on the bed when he caught small drops of sperm on the bed, in fact, Tyrone just realized for the first time that the whole place smelt like sex. He managed to walk out of the room and walked down to the sitting room. "Hello?" Tyrone called out again when no response was forthcoming. "Good evening, am I onto Mr. Tyrone Jefferson?" Came a male voice. Tyrone raised an eyebrow wondering who Tyrone Jefferson was, obviously, the person at the other end of the phone had mistaken him. "Yes I am Tyrone but not..." "Oh thank goodness, sir, your grandfather has been searching the whole country for you." "My grandfather? My grandfather died a long time ago. Tyrone managed to reply with the blood still in his mouth. "I appreciate the sarcasm sir but your grandfather is still in the hospital but not dead yet and he wants to see you." "Uhm, I think you've got the wrong person, my name is Tyrone Rodriguez and not
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The Truth
"What happened to him?" The man asked the nurses as he advanced toward Tyrone. Tyrone was weak but he recognised the man's voice from earlier on the phone. "I told you, I'm not Tyrone Jeffer... Ugh!" Tyrone had run out of energy as his head fell onto the floor and he slipped into unconsciousness. "Quick, please help us carry him into the emergency ward." One of the nurses said, the man stepped forward and held Tyrone back from falling to the ground. Fred came up from behind them and carried Tyrone onto his shoulders. "Stay with us, Ty," Fred begged. "Where do I take him to?" Fred asked the nurses. "Follow me." The same nurse said and led him to the emergency ward. ******************************Tyrone's eyes fluttered open, he tried getting up but a sharp pain in his stomach kept him back from getting up. He gently let his eyes sweep over the room where he was. "Where am I?" Tyrone mouthed. This place didn't look anything like a hospital or was it because this was the first ti
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Lost and Found
Tyrone sat there in silence as he continued to stare in disbelief at the woman he had referred to as mother all his life. "You can't be serious." Was the only thing that came out of Tyrone's mouth. "Of course, she is, for twenty three years, your parents continued to search for you, even when they went on to have other children a year after you were kidnapped, they still continued searching for you," Jason told him. Tyrone listened in silence, allowing the new revelation to sink in. "You mentioned something about them being late, what happened to them, how did they die?" Tyrone asked flatly. Jason did the sign of the cross before he went on to answer, "May their souls rest in perfect peace. They were good people until their death." Jason paused for a moment as if to reflect on something before he added, "Your mother died of heart disease and your father couldn't take the news of her death.""He knew that he was going to join her soon and willed all of his properties to your grand
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Old Past, New Beginnings
Jason pushed through the door and motioned to Tyrone to make his way inside. Tyrone peeked inside before he made his way in. The room looked nothing like a bedroom, it looked more like a conference room to Tyrone. Jason walked past him and into the room. "Tyrone, after all these years.. " the old man said, stretching his hand out to Tyrone. "Grandfather?" Tyrone didn't know when the word escaped his lips. "Don't you think it's too soon to be referring to him as that?" A man said. Tyrone hadn't taken notice of the people in the room so he looked around and realized that there were two other people in the room. The man who had said that walked up to Tyrone. Tyrone's eyes bulged seeing a man that looked exactly like him walking up to him. Tyrone could perceive the heavy whiff of the expensive cologne the man wore. "You think you can just barge in here and call anyone names as you please huh?" The man said rudely, obviously annoyed by Tyrone's presence. "And I suppose you might be
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The Plot
"Didn't you hear me, you dumb fool? I know you've signed the documents already." Rollins said and started approaching him. "So why not give the companies to someone else who will be in a better position to handle them than you," Rollins said in a mocking tone. "I won't sell those companies to you, Rollins and besides, they're not worth ten million dollars." Tyrone intoned. "I see that you're not as dumb as I thought," Rollins said with a slick smile on his face. "You have twenty four hours to make up your mind," Rollins said and walked out of the conference room. "Please get seated, sir." The man who had shaken his hand said. "My name is Malcolm and I'm the one who manages the company." "Woah, you manage all five companies at once." Tyrone voiced out his surprise. "Yes, I do." He said and sat back down. He handed a small package to Tyrone. "What's this?" Tyrone asked before opening the package. "In there is your new phone with a new bank account that has been created for you w
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Rollins- Evil Incarnate
"Tell me what you did to Grandpa or else I'm going to report you to the police!!" Melinda threatened, standing across from Rollins with her heart racing in her chest. "Do you think I'm scared of the police, my dear?" He said with a sly smile and stood up from his office chair, making his way slowly toward her. "You killed him, didn't you?" She bellowed. "I only rescued him from his sufferings." "You monster!" "Now, now, my dear, there's no time to shed fake tears." "They're not fake, I loved Grandfather with all my heart." She yelled at him. "Oh save me that." He said with a wave of his hand. "We barely have time on our hands, we need to make our move." He said and walked back to his seat. "What's the plan?" Melinda sniffed and wiped the tears from her eyes. "We need to take Tyrone out of the picture and you're in the rightful position to do that." He said as he picked up a pen and began to fiddle with it. "Oh no, never, I will never take the life of someone, especially not
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