All Chapters of RISE OF TYRONE, THE ENTITLED BILLIONAIRE : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
55 chapters
The Pain Again
The glittering lights of the red carpet illuminated the night sky as Hollywood's elite gathered for the premiere of "Starlight's Shadow," the most anticipated film of the year. Cameras flashed incessantly, capturing every moment of glamour and excitement. At the center of it all stood Judy Palmer, resplendent in a shimmering silver gown that clung to her curves and sparkled with every movement.Judy’s heart was pounding as she posed for the camera, her smile covering up a whole lot of emotions running inside her. This should have been the happiest day of her life, her breakout role, her face on every billboard in the city. But her conscience kept pestering her, threatening to spoil all hard work that would be hard to maintain had turned out to be a perfectionAs she walked down the carpet, just beside her is the co-star and film direct, Malcom Reed. Judy couldn’t help but think of another event happening downtown. She ditched a marriage, a jilted groom and an empty church.Unknown to
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The Broken Heart Saloon
Tyrone couldn’t bear it any longer. He walked away from the theater, away from the cheering crowds, away from the cameras, away from the shattered remains of his happily ever after. His hands fell as he walked across the sidewalk like the remnants of his dreams.Tyrone walked for what felt like hours, his polished dress shoes pinching his feet, his tie hanging loose around his neck. He found himself in a denser part of town, neon signs buzzing and flickering in the growing darkness. One establishment caught his eye: "The Broken Heart Saloon." A bitter laugh escaped his lips. How fitting for his present situation, what a coincidence.Pushing open the wooden door, Tyrone was enveloped by the smoky interior. The bar was dimly lit, populated by a handful of men who looked as lost and dejected as he felt. He slumped onto a cracked leather bar stool, raising a hand to catch the bartender's attention." What'll it be?" the grizzled man asked, eyeing Tyrone's rough formal wear with a mixture
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Relentless Storm
Tyrone had always prided himself on being a gentleman with composure, but tonight, that composure was unwinding at an alarming rate. His apartment which had solitude, has now become the stage for a different kind of drama. The room was quiet except for the soft rustle of bed linens. Tyrone had come here, hoping to find Judy and bring some sense of normalcy back into their lives. But the sight that greeted him as he pushed open the door was anything but normal. Judy, the woman he had imagined spending his life with, was entangled with another man, the director, a figure whose arrogance and charm had always chewed on him.Without a second thought, Tyrone anger kept growing without bounds. His vision reduced and his natural thinking was being replaced with uncontrollable rage. He surged for rage, throwing his fists into the room with a shout. “You son of a bitch!” Tyrone’s voice filled with fury.Judy’s eyes was wide open in shock as she tried to stay away, holding tight the bedspread t
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A Shattered Dream
Suddenly Judy face changed and her countenance actually changed into someone who Tyrone wasn’t familiar with. “You pathetic, insecure man,” Judy said, her words stinging in Tyrone’s skin. Her hands were tightened at her sides, her curated manicured nails digging into her palms. “Did you really think you were a match against him? He’s an award-winning director, and you’re nothing but a washed up loser that can’t admit when he loses.”Tyrone's eyes widened as each word was a physical blow. He tried to look in Judy’s eyes, his swollen face a testament to the beating he had received earlier. “Judy, I saw you with him on our bed. Are you kidding me, how could you?”“How could I?” Judy cut him short, her laugh now bitter and cold. “How could it not be? What he’s offering is everything you can never think of offering yourself in the first place, fame, wealth and a real career. What were you going to give me, Tyrone? A life watching us live a normal life, a normal American family as you alway
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A Walk of Pain and Revelation
Tyrone tried walking out of the house almost staggering and falling, his vision covered by blood trickling down his face. He had just lost the fight with the director, lost everything in whole, and right not he was left with nothing but a painful heart and aches of his battered body.The cool air of the night met his face as he managed to walked down the stairs, almost losing his balance. His legs were so light that couldn’t support his weight. But he had to keep moving, he just couldn’t stop. He needed to get to the hospital, he needed help before he faints or before the injuries become serious.As he staggered down the sidewalk, the events of the past hour played on repeat in his mind like some sick, twisted movie.*Walking into their bedroom, seeing Judy naked and writhing beneath the director.The look of shock on their faces as they scrambled to cover themselves.Judy's voice, shrill and panicked: "Tyrone! It's not what it looks like!" The director, smugly buttoning his shirt: "Sor
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Mistaken Identifies
The doctor nodded, scribbling something on a clipboard. "Mr. Tyrone, you've lost a lot of blood. We need to get you into surgery right away."Tyrone tried gesturing, but the small movements he made sent more pain through his body. He bit his lip and was determined not to cry out. As he was being prepped for surgery, attaching various monitors, Tyrone’s thought kept drifting in and out to Judy.How could she do that? After all they had been through, how could she just leave him hanging like this? Why did she pick the day of their wedding? The image of her on the bed with the direction kept giving a constant source of pain rivalling the knife wound in his side that he got from the fight.As he was about to get wheeled into the operating room, a nurse walked up to him, holding out Tyrone’s cell phone. “Mr. Tyrone, your phone keep ringing nonstop and it's the same caller, do you want to take the call before we go in or I should drop it?”Tyrone hesitated. Who could be calling him now? Eve
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The Mysterious Caller
Tyrone stumbled out the hospital bed, his vision blurry as he fumbled around. Blood dripped from his chine, staining the white and blue patterned overall the hospital gave out to patients who were admitted. The hospital ward exit loomed before him, in his painstaking state."Sir, do you need help? How and why did you get out of bed?" A concerned voice pierced through the mist of his thoughts.Tyrone tried to respond, but only managed to moan. He was in serious pains. His legs gave way, and he felt himself falling. Strong arms caught him before he hit the ground."We need a stretcher here!" The voice called out, urgent and authoritative.As Tyrone was lifted onto the stretcher, the events of the past few hours flashed through his mind. He was already getting better, what happened to him? Today just can’t get any better.The fluorescent lights of the emergency room ceiling blinded him as he was wheeled inside. Nurses swarmed around him, their voices saying medical terms he definitely co
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The Silent Treatment
The bouquet of red roses sitting pretty in the trash bin, the sweet fragrance interlocking with the smell of coffee and also last night’s leftovers. Alexis just couldn’t take her eyes off them, her fists tightened. Still the memories of Haven's betrayal were still fresh.It had been five days since she caught her husband in a compromising position with his secretary, Cassandra. Five days of silence, of avoiding eye contact, of pretending Haven didn't exist. Five days of him trying to explain, to apologize, to make things right. But Alexis wasn't ready to listen. Not yet.She walked away from the trash bin and tried to make herself breakfast, the sound of the kitchen pots and spoons filled the air. She heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Her body froze but didn’t turn around."Good morning, Alexis," Haven said softly, his voice laced with hope and trepidation.Alexis kept whisking eggs, pretending to have not heard him. She knew he was staring at her, hope for her to face him.Have
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Tyrone’s eyes opened weakly, the bright light of the fluorescent of the hospital room assaulting his vision. The steady beep of the heart monitor fill the room with its little noise, a constant reminder of his delicate situation. He tried to change his position on the bed, but still a pain shot through his body causing him to groan a little."Easy there, buddy," a familiar voice said from beside him, which he recognized to be Fred’s. "You've been through hell, don’t stress it too much.""I need... I need some time," Tyrone said finally, his voice barely audible but weak and full of anguish.Fred nodded, standing up. "Of course, man. I'll go grab some coffee, give you a few minutes. You want anything?"Tyrone shook his head meaning he didn’t want anything, then Fred patted his shoulder and left the room. As Fred closed the door behind his friend, Tyrone gave a shaky breath, tears starting to form in his eyes and he tried to hold it.He tried to sit up, ignoring the pain that shot throu
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The Beginning
Tyrone’s just regained consciousness slowly as his eyes opened a little. His eyes opened, and as soon as he felt the strange softness, he experienced a knotted wrist agony. "Oh God, I’m still here?" He pushed himself up into an upright position and murmured. "You're home, Tyrone, don’t fret it’s okay." From the other side of the room, a low voice replied. Tyrone's eyes fell on the weird man who had been bothering and plaguing him for hours as he tried to find the source of the voice. The man sat in a leather chair, his eyes remaining concentrated and sharp despite his relaxed countenance. "Who are you?" With a voice filled with both rage and dread, Tyrone demanded. . "Why did you bring me to this place?" With his elbows resting on his knees, the man bowed down."I'm Victor, and I'm here to give you the actual deal about your background and origins." Tyrone wrinkled his brow in concern. "What topic are you discussing? Don't tell me that; I am who I am." With a melancholic grin teasin
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