All Chapters of RISE OF TYRONE, THE ENTITLED BILLIONAIRE : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
56 chapters
Understand Harm
As Tyrone become more conscious of his environment, it felt like a reluctant tide, with each wave bringing a new surge of fear and discomfort. The first he could notice as he was awake was the incessant pain in his jaw, but darkness was all he could see. Panic rose in his throat as he realized a thick cloth was tied tightly around his head, effectively blindfolding him.Tyrone’s beat grew shorter by the minute, he struggled for breaths as his wrists and ankles were restrained tightly. The chair he sat on made creaking sounds with every movement he made, the cold metal biting into his skin. The air around him felt thick and oppressive, heavy with the scent of musk and decay."H-hello?" he called out, his voice barely above a whisper. The word seemed to hang in the air, swallowed by the suffocating silence of wherever he was being held. Tyrone tried to listen to hear if there is any sign of life outside, or any clue of where he was. But all he heard was the heavy pound of his heart and
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The Search
The first thing Fred noticed was the cold. It went deep into his bones, making him shiver tirelessly. And with that, brought about other sensations coming through the mist in his mind. The distant traffic, the choking smell of exhaust fumes.Fred forced his eyes open with a sharp pain. The world became more clearer to his eyes, revealing an empty road with a dense forest by its sides. He blinked, his face utterly confused as her tried to navigate his surroundings.Suddenly his face lit up like he remembered something, “Tyrone?” he shouted, his voice rough and too weak to cause any effect. There was no response other than the continuous rustling of leaves against the gentle breeze.Fred pushed himself up, groaning as his head banged with every movement. Panic building in his chest when realising he was alone, he looked around. He was suddenly struck by flashbacks of the previous night's events: Tyrone being taken, the hospital, and the masked men. "Tyrone!" Trying to encourage him to
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The Truth Drug
Tyrone experienced a whirlwind of both pain and confusion going on in his head. The incessant pain running through his body was so great it overshadowed his thirst for water. He could not remember how he got here or what made him feel this great agony. A shadowy figure emerged, towering above Tyrone's beaten body. The masked man, which was somehow scarier than any ever would have been. His voice seemed unclear and distorted making the atmosphere more unstable per second."How are you feeling now?" The question of the masked man was left hanging in the air, without a response. Tyrone tried understanding the question, but his mind was overworking itself. “Did you think you can play naive forever? For what reason? He wanted to reply but he could only manage a low groan. Already swollen, his tongue was unable to form words. A figure came from the darkness and a second masked man who joined the group. He was as well as strict and built like the others but smaller in size. He his still n
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Violence & Coercion
The air around grew thick with every inhale of fear and desperation as the exhale was filled with pain. Tyrone’s world has turned around just in the past few hours. Just moments ago, he found out his true identity, that he never knew existed. Now the dream was short lived and turned into a nightmare that comes along with violence and coercion.The mask man, with a menace stature embodied an aura that kept regenerating, stood over him, his voice was low, and he mumbled some words which were not clear. “Sign it,” he demanded, his words indifferent to the grave silence that had filled the room. There was no paper, no pen, Tyrone was looking bewildered, just a chilling ultimatum.Tyrone's mind was unstable. His new inheritance, which he just found out lately, was an emblem of his new identity, a coolness to an unstable mind of his past that was taken from him. To give up the inheritance was to surrender a part of himself. Yet the steel bar that the masked man held tightly on his hand was
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The Man in the Mirror
The world Tyrone knew and was familiar with all his life, had collapsed into a pile of shambles and suffocating nightmare. He was a prisoner in his own body, a puppet attached to several strings, continuously dancing to the brutal rhythm of the masked men command. The masked men had shown enough coldness that if given the authority could wipe out humanity without blinking. They had given him an ultimatum to give up the company or face the worst he could ever imagine. The choice was a cruel irony, an expensive joke played on a man’s intellectual who had just found his rightful place in the world, a man who just lost everything but saw a way out of all the disdain, a man who just got an inheritance that would last for generations to come.Tyrone’s mind wasn’t stable, the usual rush and traffic of thoughts and emotions filled his soul once again. The company was his inheritance, the only and tangible link to the family he never knew, neither grow up with. Yet, the suffering and pain of
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Sitting Duck
Tyrone's world was going to change from now on, he had given up the company, and he was being bundled into the bus, his face blindfolded. Suddenly the car came to a halt as he was thrown out of the bus and he felt consciousness elude him.Tyrone lay broken in the cold, hard road, his body was already bruised and broken beyond repair. The world was a blur of flashing lights and distant sounds of cars as he tried to focus on the faces hovering him. An officer, his face filled with concern and worry, but that was the only clear image in Tyrone’s fading consciousness.He was disposed of by the desolate road just like yesterday’s trash which was dumped on the side. The last thing he could remember was being suffocated by darkness, coupled with relentless heart pounding. He’d given them what they wanted. He’d given up the company. Now, they’d cast him aside like a broken toy.Soon the ambulance siren cried from afar, cutting through the night’s quietness and stillness. Paramedics rushed to
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The Coma
Suddenly, the world went black. Tyrone, who was already getting better and doing good with physical therapy, aggravated his internal injuries. He suddenly went into a coma.The next time Tyrone opened his eyes, he found himself in a similar hospital room, the steady beep of monitors filling the air. His vision is still not fully clear, trying to clear the obstruction from his mind. A nurse who wasn’t far from him noticed his movement and quickly walked towards his bedside.“Mr. Tyrone, can you hear me? Are you alright?” she asked, her voice very simple but firm.Tyrone, in turn, tried to reply her, but his throat failed him as it was raw and unused. He resulted to giving a weak nod instead.“You’ve been in a coma for 6 days, and we’ve hoped it doesn’t go longer than that,” the nurse explained. “You aggravated your internal injuries from all way that happened with the masked men. But I’ve don enough talking, I’ll just go inform the doctor now that you’re awake, so he can continue from
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Rekindled Love
The news of Tyrone’s return had spread through the city without Tyrone himself knowing, and Rollins knew he had to act fast in order to get his inheritance from Tyrone“This will change everything around here,” he said to himself, taking a sip of his whiskey. “But I’ll be damned if one lost so tries to join the family now and thinks he can get all the inheritance.”With a determined face, he picked up his phone and called a number. After a few rings, a voice answered.“Hey Judy,” Rollins says, his tone dripping with fake love. “I need you to come over to my house. We might have some business to discuss that may be beneficial for both of us.”Just across town, in a middle-class apartment, Judy hesitated before responding. She knew all Rollins planned as regards business wasn’t business and she knew what was in stock for her if she refused.“I’ll be there in an hour,” she said with a tone of resignation.As Judy hung up the phone, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her vibrant face im
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Tyrone’s phone rang continuously by his bedside as the morning sun rose up. He groaned and reached for it with sleepy eyes, while Judy slept peacefully next to him. Reading the message urgently which was from his CFO made him wide awake instantly."What is that?" Judy muttered softly, shifting next to him. Tyrone's fists tightened as he responded, "Issues at work." Serious problem. In less than an hour, Tyrone was walking heads up through the lobby of the company he inherited. Staff members loitering around, and looking at him mysteriously. He walked into the boardroom to find his executive team already seated, their gloomy faces fixed on him."Tyrone took his place at the head of the table and insisted, "Speak to me." Maria, his CFO, coughed to break the silence. “Tyrone, it’s not looking good at all.” Our third quarter reports are terrible. In the past week, we lost three significant contracts, and reports also came in a few minutes that Apex Coro is trying to steal our clients.
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A New Dawn
Over town, Rollins was pacing his rich living room, a glass of whiskey in his hand. His sister, Melinda, looked at him gravely, profoundly concerned, “Please, brother, all this stretch and migraines you've had since Tyrone is long overdue, It's eating you up,” she argued in a low voice. Rollins looked at her, his eyes full of outrage, “Did you just say it's eating me up? This bastard crushed everything I built and acquired. And you may have finished it with one straightforward action.” Melinda stepped back, stunned by the brutality in her brother's voice, “What do you mean? What are you talking about?” Rollins moved toward her, his voice dropping to a perilous whisper, “You know what I mean, my dear sister. One small push, one “accident,” and everything that was our own will be ours.” Understanding unfolded on Melinda's face, and she understood what her brother implied, “You need me to murder Tyrone? Are you out of your mind?” Rollins laughed intensely, “No, my dear. I'm the o
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