Chapter 125

Chapter 125

Mr Jackson who was still asleep woke up when Mr. Leonard's call came into his phone. He pulled the duvet away and rolled to the other side of his bed where he kept his phone.

He saw the callee ID and wasted no time in answering, "Good morning Leonard," he greeted waiting for Leonard to speak up.

"Good morning sir, I assume you were asleep when my call came in?" He asked and Mr. Jackson nodded his head,

"Yes you did, but it's not a problem, any news on Adrian's health?"

Mr. Leonard laughed, "Yes sir, he is hale and hearty, he will probably be discharged this evening."

"Oh, that's great news, great news, and what a way to start the day," he muttered, smiling heartily.

"Yes Mr. Jackson, what a way to start the day," Mr. Leonard replied.

"Leonard," he called out.

"Yes, father"

"It's okay for you to take a day off, Adrian needs you by his side at a time like this. I promise to stop by at the mansion this evening, before heading home."

"Thank you, sir, we will be expecting you
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