Chapter 151

Chapter 151

(A Few Hours Later)

Shilla and Martinez both stepped into the room with snacks, a lot of questions had been on their minds, and they didn't seem to understand what their boss was trying to achieve.

They were both shocked to see him seated upright, "Boss, someone might see you," Martinez rushed towards him, sounding cautious. Adrian, shrugged him off,

"Don't worry Martinez, I am glad you both are here. Thanks for what you have done in the past few days, it's time for me to get back to work. I have gotten what I need."

Martinez and Shilla both looked at themselves, looking shocked and confused, Shilla who was seated walked toward the bed with her gaze fixed on her boss, and a questioning look on her face.

"Boss, are you sure you are okay, we can get the doctor you know."

Adrian chuckled as he got away from the bed, "I am fine and yes get the doctor for me. Like I said earlier, it's time to go back home, my mission here is done."

"What do you mean boss? What mission are you
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