Chapter 73

Chapter 73

Audrey stretched her hands to the shoulder of Martinez, "It's fine and it's not your fault you didn't have an answer at that moment. There's no need to blame yourself, and I am sorry about the loss of your sisters, I know it must have been challenging."

Martinez nodded his head, just then the door of the doctor's office opened and they all stepped out and walked to see Mrs. Madeline. Audrey and Martinez quickly got on their feet and wiped the tears away from their eyes.

"Adrian, what's happening? What did the doctor say?"

Adrian exhaled and held her hands, he kept quiet gazing into her eyes,

"Adrian, you are getting me scared, talk to me." He looked to Martinez who had a hand in whatever was currently happening, and then returned his gaze to Audrey.

"Your Mum is fine, she just needs a little surgery."

"A little surgery? What surgery? Where?" She asked gazing at her brother Liam, Liam exhaled and walked towards her, and took her hands

, "Mum will be fine, she just needs a
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