Chapter 139: The Kings Council
Just under a week later, Conor and Kerrigan found themselves looking out at the Kings castle in the capital of Golan. The grand hall of the royal palace was a magnificent sight, towering ceilings adorned with intricate carvings of mythical creatures and ancient heroes.

Tall windows lined the walls, casting beams of sunlight onto the polished marble floor, where each step echoed with the weight of history.

The air was thick with anticipation and tension, as if the very walls were holding their breath, waiting for the confrontation that would soon unfold.

Conor and Kerrigan were shown to their chambers by a silent procession of servants, their retinue of dragoons trailing behind with a sense of purpose. Sorcha kept her eyes sharp, her posture stiff and ready, while Parker walked close behind Conor, scanning the opulent corridors for any sign of trouble.

Reilynn and Evelynn trailed Kerrigan, this event needing everyone’s full attention. The colonel had even sent along several other gu
Drew Archeron

Council, Counsel, Councel, Counsil? sorry researched it 100 ways and no one seems to agree.

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