Chapter 141: The Aftermath of the High Counsel

The guest quarters assigned to Kerrigan and her team in the royal capital were steeped in a sterile opulence that offered little comfort. The heavy velvet drapes muted the light, casting the room in a somber glow, while the ornate furnishings seemed to loom over the occupants—a reminder of the old power structures they had just confronted in the High Council.

Kerrigan sat in a high-backed chair, the aftershocks of Abraxas’s power still pulsing beneath her skin, gradually ebbing away. Conor stood beside her, one hand resting gently on the arm of her chair.

His presence was a steadying force, and as his hand touched hers, the lingering essence of Celia’s and Abraxas’s power began to fade, dissolving into motes of golden light that shimmered briefly before subsiding into a peaceful calm.

Faolan lay at their feet, alert but relaxed, her ears twitching at every distant sound from the hallway outside.

The rest of the team had gathered in the sitting room, the tension from the day’s events s
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