Chapter 105

Chapter 105

Jeffrey was back at the ward, seated on the same chair that sat close to Faye who was still laid on the bed.

He clung tightly to her palm, rubbing softly on it while muttering incoherent prayers into it.

He calmly await the doctor to come back so he can announce the result and tell him what is wrong with Faye and why she suddenly passed out.

The sound of the door opening had his keen attention becoming slight as he glanced to the back to see the doctor coming to view.

He stood up and away from Faye, still holding on to her hand and turning to converse better with the doctor.

Jeffrey gazed at the doctor, noticing the weary expression on his face and instinctively sensing something was wrong.

“Mr Wilson. I have the result of her test and uhm…” He trailed off after his humming, walking further into the room and closing the door behind him.

“Will you come to my office-“

“No.” Jeffrey’s head shook to the side. “Tell me the result or whatever you have to say right here.”
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