Chapter 020

The young woman fell to the ground and stared at the middle-aged man in disbelief.

But the latter didn’t spare her a single glance.

She started to wail.

The man ignored her tears and dragged her out of the store before she could say another disrespectful word.

After they left, Albert turned to the sales representative and demanded.

“Pack up that necklace and bring it over. Be quick. ”

“Yes, Sir. I will do it right away.”

The sales representative didn’t dare hesitate and immediately did as instructed.

Meanwhile, Albert whispered to Edward humbly.

“Please take the necklace as a gift. It’s on the house and I apologize for the attitude of my staff. Please accept it so that I’ll be able to sleep tonight.”

After hesitating for a moment, Edward nodded.


Albert heaved a sigh of relief when Edward accepted the gift.

This either meant Edward wasn’t upset with him or he was forgiven.

Phew! Thank God!

Meanwhile, the sales representative returned with the wrapped necklace.

And to
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