Chapter 027

Grandpa George thanked Edward and retired to his room.

Meanwhile, Grace overheard their conversation.

She couldn’t help but frown at Edward’s shameless boasting.

How could he undermine the value of the Ironclad membership?

No big deal?


What effort had he made to assist her?

Did he obtain the invitation to the banquet for her? No!

Did he have any connections in the city? No!

Her blood boiled with anger.

The bumpkin could never stop boasting of his imaginary abilities.

But he would not lift a finger to help her.

Even if he wanted to, how could he?

What would a man from the forest know?

He would only assist in bringing shame to her family.


She walked up to him in anger.

“I can see you have improved your deceptive acts. It is indeed your talent.”

Edward narrowed his eyes at her, “What do you mean?”

“You lied to Grandpa that you will help me.”

She scoffed. “What can you possibly do?”

“Will you obtain the Ironclad membership by boasting of your great skills?”

“Or are you s
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