Chapter 028

Grace’s parents appeared immediately after she left.

It seemed they had been waiting to give Edward a piece of their mind.

Such a way to give him A CHANCE.

They glared at Edward in a condescending manner.

“Don’t stare at the back of my daughter like a toad lusting after a swan.”

Mrs. Carter scrunched up her nose in disgust.

“She is a woman you’ll never have!”

“Oh really? But she is already mine, isn’t she?”

Edward’s lips curled slightly into a half smile.

“So what? Don’t get too cocky! My daughter will divorce you sooner or later!” She spat.

“She is clearly out of your league.”

“Only young talents like Dominic deserve my daughter.”

“That’s true. Unlike you, Dominic is capable and renowned. Whereas you’re a petty beggar dreaming of a throne,” Mr. Carter added coldly.

“No one welcomes you here in this family.”

“And if you have enough dignity, leave before you become a stain of shit.”

Edward scoffed coldly.

“Be thankful you’re my in-laws and I have respect for your family.”

“As for
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