Return of The Lost Heir: Arnold William
Return of The Lost Heir: Arnold William
Author: Just_For_Fun
Chapter 1

"Ding! You have reached the 111th floor! Please exit and enjoy!"

The gentle sound reminded Arnold it was time to step out. He adjusted his worn-out suit, brushing away a wrinkle that didn’t exist, his fingers trembling slightly.

‘Every penny, every sacrifice…’ he thought, stepping onto the polished marble floor. His shoes barely made a sound as they touched the cold, smooth surface. ‘All for this moment. A moment to cherish forever with her. Worth it!’

He glanced around, eyes wide with hope and anticipation. The soft music, the sea of red roses glowing under the warm candlelight, and the twinkling stars overhead…it was perfect.

‘She’s going to love this,’ he thought, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. ‘Diana… tonight is for us… for our future…’

His heart was pounding as he imagined her reaction. He could almost see her face light up, her eyes sparkling with joy, her smile soft and blushing.

He stared at the romantic scene he had prepared…red roses glowing and candles flickering softly. However, the world’s most beautiful rose was not here. His heart felt heavy as time passed.

‘Why isn’t she here yet?’

He checked his watch. It’s already ten minutes past the hour.

‘Diana is usually punctual…’ Worries crept into his mind. ‘Could she be in trouble?’

He pulled out his phone, dialing her number with fingers that had suddenly gone cold.

Ring… Ring… Ring…

No answer…

‘Come on, Diana, where are you? Please pick up…’ He dialed again and again, his heart pounding louder with every unanswered ring.

‘God, please keep her safe…’ Arnold prayed desperately, dialing over and over. His tension increased, making his hands shake.

Ominous feelings crept into his mind. He sent her messages and voicemails, none of which were answered. 

His anxiety crossed the limit.

‘Let’s try once more…’ he thought, rising from his seat. ‘I need to find her. Maybe she needs my help.’

Ring… Ring… Ring…

His heart pounded louder each time until finally, she picked up.

“Diana! Thank God. Are you okay?” His voice cracked with tension.

“What would happen to me?” Diana’s indifferent voice rang through the phone. “What game are you trying to play now, Arnold?”

Arnold didn’t let her cold tone deter him. He replied with a voice full of love.

“Where are you, Darling? I’m at the restaurant. It’s our anniversary, remember? I’ve been waiting…”

“For what?” Diana’s voice cut through him like ice, each word colder than the last. “You really thought I cared about that? I am very busy unlike you…Don’t disturb me, Arnold. Calling me so many times, are you an idiot?”

The words hit him like a punch to the gut still he tried to respond as naturally as he could. “Diana, I am sorry. It’s just that today is such a special day for us, I…I’ve been planning this for months. I just wanted us to be together tonight.”

“Did I ask you to do this? Do you really think I will play house with you?” Diana snapped, cutting him off.

Arnold felt his grip on the phone tighten, his knuckles turning white. “I love you, Diana. Can you please make time for just today?”

“Love? Don’t be a fool, Arnold. Love is for idiots. I don’t have time for these unnecessary events.” Diana’s sharp remarks cut Arnold’s heart into pieces.

“Diana, please…”

“Shut up, Arnold,” she snapped, cutting him off. “My important client is waiting for me and I have no more time to chit-chat with you anymore.”

The words echoed in his head as the call abruptly ended. He stared at his phone, the weight of her words pressing down on him like a mountain.

He sat at the table, feeling numb, his eyes glazed over as the romantic scene around him blurred into nothingness. ‘Why, Diana, why?’

The waiter approached, but Arnold waved him off with a hollow expression. “No need to order anymore,” he murmured, standing up and making his way back to the lift.

The countless plans he had made to impress his wife now seemed pointless.

‘Maybe I should just disappear…’ His thoughts turned messy, each step heavier than the last.

As the lift doors closed behind him, his phone buzzed with a new message. He hesitated, then pulled it out, half-expecting another cruel remark. Instead, his eyes widened at the words on the screen.

“Come to Room 303 in Hotel Wanda. I am waiting.~ Diana”


His heart leaped, a surge of hope washing away the bitterness he felt earlier.

‘She’s waiting for me… Maybe she’s got a surprise too, maybe she was just messing around earlier!’

His excitement grew as he reached the Hotel Wanda hurriedly in a taxi, which was not very far away from Starlight Rooftop restaurant. After he got out of the taxi, he didn’t bother to wait for the elevator, took the stairs, and practically ran to Room 303. 

He rang the bell, with anticipation.

‘The surprise must be her, in red lingerie… with a blushed face and sweet smile.’

The door creaked open, but instead of Diana’s familiar face, Arnold was greeted by a man in a bathrobe…someone he never expected to meet in a place like this…

“Arnold,” the man said, smirking. “What took you so long?”

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