“What do you want us to do then?” Another agent retorted sharply, making Lauren draw a breath.

Lauren threw her arms up in exasperation, shooting a glance at Noah. "Whatever! Just make sure Noah doesn't get painted as the villain here. All he did was help her, and now, he's being crucified by the entire country."

After she said her piece, she slumped into her chair, huffing. Max couldn't help but notice the way she threw herself around, a bit too recklessly for someone in her condition. But no one else seemed to care.

Just then, someone spoke up beside Max. “Are you trying to say we should put the other artists at risk trying to save yours? The longer this matter drags on, the more it affects the others. The company’s image is also at stake here.”

Max turned to the man who spoke. The guy had kept his mouth shut since Lauren barged in, but now he was cool and composed, his arrogance on display as he smoothed the creases in his tailored suit.

A chorus of murmurs followed, the other ag
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