"Agent?" Lawson looked dumbfounded while Max leaned back in the plush leather chair, his eyes steadily fixated on the older man.

He nodded without another word, making the older man turn even silent. He stared at Max for a couple of seconds more, his unwillingness evident from his expression.

It was fine if Max had just wanted to have his name on some position in the company and even better if he didn't pay attention to any of its affairs. After all, although Dawn Entertainment was an affiliate of the Norman Corporations, he was the head, and he did not fancy anyone trying to poke into how he ran the company. He had hoped Max would be content with a title and no real responsibilities, which would have been great.

But an agent? Even though they didn't hold much power, they were still involved in the company's daily operations.

But he could not reject him outrightly, and so, he pursed his lips thoughtfully. After a moment of thought, he said, "Young Master, I must dissuade you about this
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