Max paused for a second before shaking his head and a small smirk appeared on his lips upon recognizing who was on the other end of the line. "Didn't you call me yourself? What's with the voice-mail?"

Then, he slipped into the car and the driver closed the door, starting the car.

A second later, an upbeat voice echoed through the phone. "Well, you did send me a cryptic message first. Fair's fair."

Max chuckled softly at that but stayed silent. But, the other party was clearly more impatient and Max could practically hear him slap his laps impatiently.

"So what's up? Why did you call me?" He asked but before Max could get a word in. "If it's not about money, don't bother!"

"What do you think?" Max shifted in his seat to get more comfortable and leaned an arm on the car door.

"Let me guess..." The voice contemplated. "... you've got some job you need hands on and so decided to call me who you haven't spoken to in, what, a year?"

"One and a half," Max corrected..

"Yes, one and a half,
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