Chapter 282

Her phone rang for a while before she finally picked up and with a sullen voice she responded.


“Hey, I was going to treat you out for dinner tonight and you’re yet to show up.” He tells her.

“Oh,” She replied making his throat tinge as he mentally hoped she wasn’t to decline, after all, she had found a way to make their relationship work.

“So?” He furrows his brows waiting for her to say something.

“I’m very busy at work and can’t join you at the moment so maybe you could schedule it for another day.” She replied calmly shattering every spectacle of hope he had.

“It’s fine, I shouldn’t have bothered you.” A forded smile formed on his lips holding in the pain he felt in his chest and desperately wanted to hang up at that moment.

“Hey Lucy, quit answering calls and come drink more with me.” He heard a man’s voice in the background before the line went off.

Lots of questions filled his mind as he began to wonder if truly she loved him or was playing with his feelings, did she le
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