Chapter 136

After that incredible performance back at the conference room, Clement let Sean run the meeting while he retreated to his room but unknowning to the poor guy, Clement had no intentions of washing the beef they had down the drain.

Sean took almost everything he had and until Clement managed to accomplish that… he would never be satisfied.

So Clement started to think hard on what next to do. For the first time in weeks, he could feel that familiar excitement that used to thrum in his bones whenever he was taking on a new project.

Being CEO was his lifelong dream but he was quickly realizing it's not all roses and picnics.

Most of his time was spent stuck in meetings instead of chasing new deals and even when a new deal did fall into his lap, he had to do the schmoozing, the winning and dining until the investor's signature was on the dotted check.

After the first three dinners, Clement quickly grew bored but this…now this, was thrilling!

Noise downstairs caught his attention, making him
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