Chapter 4

If only Oliva, his wife, had come to the hospital and helped him pay his hospital bills, his friends wouldn’t have insulted him like this.

John knew that the reason Olivia couldn’t stand him now was because he had gained so much weight. She now desires a more sexy-looking guy than himself. After he lost his job as a bank manager at Weam Bank, he spent more time at home watching television and running errands in the house, which made him add some weight.

His condition became worse when Olivia was promoted to the director of Wilde’s group of companies. Because of this, Olivia stays out often. John has no option but to take over the kitchen. He started doing all the cooking and groceries. Being in control of the kitchen, he indulged in his food weakness and ate without limits.

He prepared the food that he loved when no one was around and finished it in no time before anyone could catch him.

While Olivia put herself on a strict diet, John was busy enjoying his greasy food. That was the only thing he could do to keep himself happy. However, that has brought additional fat around his body and Olivia can’t stand his disgusted stature anymore.

Thinking of his condition, John started to cry hard. He was still in tears when the doctor walked into his room.

“Mr. Smith, you are free to go home. Someone has just paid your hospital bill,” the doctor said.

John was stunned. Who could have paid his hospital bills? Certainly, it was none of his friends.

“Who paid my bills?” He asked.

“He didn’t mention his name. You are free to go home, “ the doctor said, smiling at him. John hugged him in excitement. Not that he was eager to go home, but he couldn’t resist the food he enjoyed at his in-laws’ house.

“Thank you so much doctor,” John said and loosened his grip on the doctor. The doctor tapped his shoulder and walked out of the room, smiling.

John couldn’t believe his luck. Whoever paid his bills would be rewarded by God. What could have been his fate if that kind of person had not come and rescued him? He cleaned up the tears that gathered in his eyes and walked out of the hospital with gladness.

John came back home and found his wife with Deim Moore. Chatting and laughing like lovers.

“Is this not your good-for-nothing husband, Olivia?” Deim asked Olivia. She turned around and saw John walking into the living room.

“John, how did you come out of the hospital or did you escape without their notice?” Olivia asked and glared at John suspiciously. John’s face turned red like a tomato.

“I did not run away from the hospital. Someone paid my hospital bills,” he yelled, feeling embarrassed that Olivia would talk to him like that in the presence of Deim Moore, his former junior colleague.

“Common John, we all know that you can’t pay your bills. That’s why Olivia is concerned. Don’t take it to heart. I mean, who doesn’t know that you are worthless and poor?” Deim said.

John was truly annoyed. He turned around to walk away without responding to Deim’s disrespectful words. However, Olivia stopped him before he could get out of her sight.

“John, could you please get into the kitchen and prepare some food for me and our guests?”

John was infuriated. How could Olivia send him to the kitchen without caring about how he was feeling? He was just coming back from the hospital, for Christ’s sake.

“No, Olivia, I think he should have some rest. Didn’t you say that he was just coming back from the hospital? Let him not prepare any food. Come, John, take this money and hurry and get us some food at Spicy Inn.” Deim Moore said. John could see the tinge of smirk that left his lips, and he became angry.

Spicy Inn is one of the best restaurants around Sunview and it’s about fifteen bus stops away from Wilde’s villa.

Based on how busy the restaurant normally is, John won't return until late evening. Therefore, he opted to prepare the meal instead.

“Don’t worry, Deim, I will prepare the meal, it’s nothing,” John replied and attempted to get out of the living room, But Olivia stopped him again.

When Olivia finds out that John prefers cooking the meal over going to the spicy inn, she suddenly makes an announcement.

“I don’t want to eat your food anymore. I want you to buy the food from the Spicy Inn and don’t complain unless I tell my father to throw you out,” she threatened.

Olivia knew that one thing John feared most was to be thrown out of the Wilde family's house. He can't even take care of himself, let alone his grandmother, not to mention his daily expenses.

Immediately John heard her threatening words, he quickly moved to Deim and said.

“Bring the money, I will buy the food”.

Deim smiled and gave him 500 dollars

“Make sure you bring back the balance because if you steal it again, I will tell Andrew to roast your skin alive,” Olivia warned. She was not smiling at all and John knew it.

Deim grins. His plans have worked out. He intended to humiliate John and show him who was now the boss.

“I will send the orders to your phone. You know how stupid you are. You may buy the wrong thing if I just tell you with my mouth,” Deim declared.

John ignored him and reluctantly left the house to buy the food from the spicy restaurant.

At the restaurant, John ran into Jeanette’s good friend Edina. He tried to hide, but it was too late for him. Edina saw him and shouted his name in such a way that John could not pretend that he'd not heard her.

She quickly moved closer to him and gave him her devilish smile. John forced a smile to mask his resentment.

“Hello Auntie,” John said.

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