Chapter 5

“Ha, John, are you here to run errands for Olivia? Poor you, why would Olivia be so wicked as to send you here from the sunview? This is not right.” Edina said and sauntered towards him. She kept her hands on his shoulder. At first glance, it seems like they have a good relationship from afar.

“Is it because you lost your job and you are now poor that made Olivia treat you like a slave?” Edina screamed the last sentence so that others could hear and they heard and looked in their direction.

John, being familiar with Edina, knew that she had malicious intentions and would pretend to care, but her true intention was to upset him.

John swallowed the lump in his throat and removed Edina’s hand from his shoulder. He knew she was out to mock and disgrace him. So he replied.

“No aunts, I came here on my own. I just want to get a plate of food for myself. You know how spicy and delicious the food here is and I like spicy food”

Edina was angry, how smart of John, to answer her snappily like that, but she would not allow it to slide.

“John, stop protecting that arrogant wife of yours. How can you afford a plate of food in this restaurant?” Edina smirked.

“Even if you sell your gigantic body, you can’t afford a plate of food in spicy in,” Edina said.

John wished to escape from Edina, but the woman continued.

“I heard that Deim Moore is visiting Olivia today. Is he the one who sent you here? This is not right, and I told Jeanette that everyone must not be successful like my rich son-in-law,” Edina taunted, she always bragged about her rich son-in-law, and she was one reason Jeanette treated John harshly.

“Jeanette wouldn’t listen. She wants to push her daughter to Deim, that successful banker. Did you get to see his latest SUV? The car was...” Edina continued.

John thought that he had heard enough, and he quickly cut Edina off.

“I will see you around, Auntie,” he said and hurried inside the restaurant.

He had not even stood on the cue and twenty minutes had already passed because he was listening to Edina who had already bought her food.

So before Edina could protest, John was already out of her sight. He went upstairs. The cue downstairs was huge. He hoped there would be fewer people upstairs.

Unfortunately, in his quest to be fast and get home on time, he bumps into a lady. The girl’s food poured all over the floor.

John became numb. The only money in his hand could barely buy two plates of food, and Olivia warned him against spending her money. John did not know what to do

“Are you blind? Can’t you see? Do you know how many minutes I was standing there just to get the food and all you do is bump into me and slash the food?” The girl, who was about to cry, yelled.

“I am so sorry,” John muttered. He looked confused and depressed.

“Sorry? Did I hear you say sorry? Just go there and get my food,” the girl shrieked, her finger pointing toward the cue.

“Please forgive me. I don’t have any money and I can’t afford any of the food here. I am only here because someone sent me,” John pleaded.

The woman knew that John was not willing to pay for her ruined meal. She quickly grabbed his waist, stuffed her hand deep inside his pocket, and brought out the $500 in his pocket.

However, John quickly held her hands and took the money away.

How would he explain what had happened to Olivia? The punishment would be more severe than the previous ones. So he clasped the money.

The lady also refused to let him go, and this attracted some people around. One man asked the Lady what happened, and she explained with tears.

“You either get her another food or you give her the money to get one for herself. Make your choice, John, between the two,” a young man said.

“Yes, you can’t let her go hungry because of your carelessness,” another person added.

“But I don’t have any money,” John replied in a pitiable tone.

“If you have no money, you should have been more careful,” someone yelled from behind.

“He is a liar. He has some money with him,” the young girl shouted.

“The money is not mine,” John yelled back. He was on the verge of crying, but no one listened to him.

“Give her the money”

“Bring out the money!!”

Everyone in the hall started screaming. They blamed John and supported the girl.

The commotion attracted the attention of the security men and the two hefty men came inside to find out what was going on.

“What is going on here?” One guard asked.

John was already wetting his pants. He was huge, but never a match for any of the men standing before him.

“What is going on here?” The security man asked again. This time his tone was more deadly than before.

“This man ruined my food and refused to replace it.”

the girl whimpered.

“Is that true?” The scary-looking man asked John.

When John refused to talk, the men hoisted him on his shoulder and carried him outside the restaurant without bothering to hear his side of the story anymore.

Once outside, the security man lifted John above the ground, which left his two legs hanging in the air. John struggled to get down, but the security man gripped him.

“Why did you refuse to replace her food?” the man’s thick voice roared like a thunderstorm into John’s ear.

Fear gripped him and sweat broke out on his forehead. John’s neck was held in a tight grasp and he was suffocating.

The tears in his eyes did not allow him to speak any comprehensive words. The man noticed the way his hands were trembling and roared.

“How dare you want to cheat this innocent girl? Do you want to die?”

John rocked his head.

“Please sir, have mercy on me. Don’t kill me,” he cried out.

The security man threw him on the floor, and John landed his butt on the ground. The tears in his eyes were now flooding down his cheeks.

His butt hurts, and his neck was seriously injured. Before he could recover from the pain, a resounding sound landed on his cheeks.


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