

“I still can't believe Wayne would be stupid enough to get us a car, what if there are camera's inside, and he's watching our every move,” Mrs Emilia grumbled, Mr Oliver giggled.

“I and Oliver said this same thing, because I expected he would refuse to give the cars, I only said he should get us two cars because I felt he couldn't, only for him to agree to it, it's shocking,” Mr Cooper said, he sat up from the bed and walked to the bathroom, when he got to the door, he turned to Mrs Emilia who was already laying down.

“Mind going me,” he teased, raising a brow.

“Get the fuck in there, and leave me the hell alone,” Mrs Emilia grumbled.

“Wait a second, did my wife just use two curse words in a row,” Mr Cooper giggled in disbelief.

“Purposely,” Mra Emilia said, rolling her eyes.

“I don't think you did it on purpose Honey, I think it came deep down from your heart, but I will let this one slip, next one, you'll owe me,” Mr Cooper said.

“So it's now a bet right?“ Mrs Emilia tu
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