135: News

At the Arena

William could be seen battling a mage, a huge man with brown hair holding a staff. The mage looked intimidating, with his broad shoulders and fierce expression, making it clear he was no ordinary opponent.

"Rock Shake!" the mage yelled, his voice booming through the arena.

The ground William stood on began to shake violently, as if an earthquake had struck. The tremors were strong enough to unbalance most fighters, but luckily, William had enough stamina and experience to stand his ground firmly.

He turned to the burly mage and smirked, showing no fear. With a confident gesture, he waved his hand in the air, whispering his spell.

Suddenly, the air around him grew tense, almost crackling with energy, and began to balance the shaking arena. It was as if an invisible force was countering the mage's earthquake spell, stabilizing the ground beneath William's feet.

Before the earth magic mage could understand what was happening, a strong burst of harsh wind clashed against his
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