Chapter 114


He looked down to see the shattered ceramic cup and his blood that had stained several parts of it. Blood dripped down his forehead down to his nose as it stained the ground he was standing on.

He kept his head bowed, as he didn't want to be disrespectful. She was already angry at him, so anything he said or do would only make her angrier. He couldn't risk that.

“How was the mission?” She asked but he didn't say a word. He kept quiet and she knew what silence meant. In a business like theirs, silence signified failure and failure is met with severe punishment.

“You failed” she chuckled as if she didn't already know. She just wanted to hear him say it and he was not going to give her that satisfaction.

“Even after all my motivations, my patience with you” she paused for a while

“Even after all my warnings” she yelled as she threw a book on the table towards him and the book met with his abdomen but he didn't move.

“And don't just keep qu
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