Chapter 119


Three days had passed since Daniel's kidnap and assumed death. Tamara was hell bent on getting her son's body, she had been moving from one hospital to another, one mortuary to another. And at one point, she had even gone to mass graves, but she still couldn't get the body she so wanted badly.

Gabriel, although he would have lived to help her in the search, he knew he had to find a way to stop Danny without being too noticeable, so he worked in the shadows. He couldn't bring himself to inform Owen what he had found out about Rina after the unfortunate news they had received that day. Although he knew that Owen and Daniel were not on good terms, he knew Owen would be heartbroken after what happened that day, so he didn't want to add salt to an already open wound, so he kept his mouth shut.

Owen and Rina were busy trying to trace a dead or alive Daniel and their plans weren't working so well as it was in their heads. All their trails were lead
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