Chapter 18 (Carlos Truman's Office)

After Drake left Donald's office, he marched straight to the office of the logistics manager. As the one who is responsible for overseeing and coordinating the movement of goods, materials, and resources in the company, Drake wanted to know if he knew anything about the delivery to Woodruff and why he had approved it in the first place.

Carlos Truman, the logistics manager, was one of the many people who didn't like Drake. If he could have his own way he'd have fired him already, but since Drake's in-laws had secured the job for him, it put him in a difficult situation.

He was attending to some paperworks when he heard a knock on the door. “Who's there?” He asked.

“It's Drake Sullivan,” Drake replied.

“Come in,” Carlos ushered him in.

Carlos was surprised to see Drake looking so bloodied as he entered the office. He couldn't help but wonder what he had gotten himself. But that wasn't his concern.

“What brings you to my office?” He asked, ignoring the bloody state in which he had see
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