Chapter 19 (False Accusations)

Donald entered into the office with an air of confidence, a smug smile tugging at his lips. He already knew why Carlos had sent for him and seeing Drake right there in the office, he just couldn't help but smile.

“Donald,” Carlos began sternly. “What happened with the package you asked Drake to deliver earlier today?”

“I don't understand sir. What do you mean?” Donald asked, sounding polite and innocent.

“You see, Drake here is accusing you of switching the package he was supposed to deliver and setting him up. What do you have to say? Is it true?” Carlos asked, all in one breath.

Donald feigned a look of surprise and concern. “Absolutely not, sir. The package I gave Drake was the exact package the client ordered for. If there was any problem, it must have happened after it left my hands.”

Drake’s eyes opened wide in disbelief. “That's not true, you set me up Donald!”

“And why on earth will I do that?” Donald sneered.

“You said so yourself, just right before I left with the package.”

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