Chapter 3: Fired!

When Wendall arrived in front of Charlie, he quickly bowed respectfully, “I apologize, Mr. Charlie, the traffic suddenly became congested, so my arrival was delayed.”


Everyone was stunned to see Wendall bowing to Charlie! Especially Amara and Jekeil, their mouths agape with astonishment.

What’s going on? Why is Mr. Wendall bowing like that in front of Charlie? Moreover, Mr. Wendall also addressed Charlie as Mr. Charlie?

At this moment, Wendall turned to Wakee.

“Mr. Wakee, Mr. Charlie here will be your new director. Why are you all still silent? Quickly pay your respects to him!” Wendall exclaimed.

“What!? Is he... the new director?” Wakee’s face turned pale in an instant.

“So, he is indeed the new director!?” All the employees at the location were shocked. Each of them could only remain silent in their place.

Jekeil’s eyes widened even more after hearing it, as if something was wrong with his ears. On this sunny morning, he felt as though he had received an incredibly powerful slap.

Meanwhile, the darkest expression was held by Amara. The woman couldn’t say anything anymore.

“No! This can’t be! He’s poor, I know very well about his family background! He can’t possibly be the new director! This must be a lie!” Amara exclaimed somewhat crazily.

Wakee interjected, “Mr. Wendall, maybe there’s a mistake here? His... the attire he’s wearing now doesn’t at all show the dignity of a director.”

“Mr. Wakee can try verifying it. This is the appointment letter appointing Mr. Charlie as the new director here. If you don’t believe it, you can contact Mr. Ornell right away to confirm,” Wendall replied while handing over the appointment letter to Wakee.

Wakee checked it in detail. Starting from personal identity, photo... all the personal data of Charlie was correct.

Soon, Wendall continued his words, “Furthermore, I will reveal a truth here. Mr. Charlie is the biological grandson of Mr. Ornell!”

“What!? Mr. Ornell’s biological grandson!”

This information was like a bomb currently exploding above them all.

What’s going on! Turns out Charlie is Mr. Ornell’s biological grandson!

“Mr. Ornell’s biological grandson!? Oh God!” Jekeil went weak with fear, unconsciously sitting on the floor. His face turned pale, his heart pounding rapidly. Jekeil didn’t dare to imagine it. What consequences would he face later after taking away the girlfriend of Mr. Ornell’s biological grandson...

“It’s not possible... this can’t be possible!” Amara kept staring at Charlie. She couldn’t believe this reality. She didn’t want to believe it!

And right at this moment, Wakee hurriedly approached Charlie and said, “Mr. Charlie! We apologize for not recognizing you earlier. We hope you don’t take offense at everything that just happened!”

Wakee knew, Wendall was Ornell’s confidant. How could he possibly lie about this matter!

Charlie ignored Wakee and instead turned to the employees.

In the courtyard of the Enigma Enterprises building, hundreds of employees were standing. They were all in a despondent state at the moment. Not a single word dared to be spoken by them. Previously, when Charlie mentioned himself as the new director, they scoffed and laughed at him. Of course, they were immensely afraid now.

Just so you know, this is not only because Charlie is the new director here, but also because he is the biological grandson of Ornell Donovan!

Charlie felt the respect and fear from the employees. His heart was slightly satisfied to receive it.

After surveying the surroundings, Charlie’s gaze finally stopped at Jekeil. Seeing Charlie approaching him, Jekeil felt an overwhelming fear. Cold sweat poured down his back. He knew Charlie would retaliate against all his actions!

“Mr. Charlie!” Once Charlie stood in front of Jekeil, who would have thought Jekeil would immediately tightly embrace Charlie’s feet. He took the initiative to apologize immediately.

“Mr. Charlie! I know I was wrong! I shouldn’t have taken your girlfriend. I’m sorry, Sir! I’ll return Amara to you. Please forgive me!” Jekeil pleaded for forgiveness.

With Charlie’s status as Ornell Donovan’s grandson, there was no other choice for Jekeil but to beg for mercy.

Charlie felt satisfied seeing Jekeil beg for mercy. Having wealth and power is indeed enjoyable. Jekeil, who comes from a wealthy family, had the audacity to act arrogantly yesterday. But look now! He’s begging for mercy.

Such a situation was never imagined by Charlie. Because he realized, before meeting his grandfather, his family was so poor, always humiliated and trampled by others.

“You want to return Amara to me? Sorry, I don’t need a woman like her! Besides, do you think I can forgive you?” Charlie narrowed his eyes.

After saying that, Charlie immediately kicked Jekeil away from his feet.

Jekeil was immediately thrown off. Due to Charlie’s current status, he could only accept it.

“Mr. Charlie! My son still doesn’t understand anything. If he ever offended you, I beg you to forgive him,” Wakee stepped forward to approach Charlie.

Charlie looked at Wakee coldly, “You still have the face to plead for him? A child's behavior is not far different from their parents' upbringing. If your child can behave like that, it's certainly not separate from your upbringing!”

Next, Charlie made a stunning announcement here.

“As the new director in this company, I will announce something! Starting today, both of you are fired, you are not fit to work at Enigma Enterprises!” he said.

“What!? Fired!?”

Wakee’s expression changed instantly. He had spent years to be able to hold the position as General Manager in this company. And if he’s fired today, then all his hard work will be ruined!

Initially, Wakee wanted to protest and reject the unilateral decision. But, remembering Charlie’s current status, he swallowed back the words he wanted to say.

Jekeil looked so disappointed. Deep regret landed in his heart. Usually, he lived in abundance, going here and there without thinking about money. All of that because he relied on his father. If his father is fired, of course, he will lose the label as a rich kid. Then how will he live after this?

To be continued

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