Chapter 4: 10 million each as a meeting gift!

Jekeil, who once felt like he was living in heaven, now has to plunge into the deepest valley of hell.

“Security! Get this father and son out of here!” Charlie shouted while waving his hand.

Dozens of security guards beside him looked at each other. They were slightly hesitant, knowing Wakee was one of the executives in this company.

Charlie frowned after seeing the doubt in the security guards’ hearts.

“Why? Don’t you understand what I just said!? Or do you think I can’t kick them both out of here?” he said.

“Well, sir. We’ll do it immediately!” replied one of the security chiefs. They realized that Charlie was the biological grandson of Mr. Ornell.

With Charlie’s backing, the security guards felt no fear in evicting Mr. Mitchell and his son. Without further ado, they immediately stepped forward and escorted them out.

“Damn it! Let go of your hands. Do you know who I am! Security like you dare to evict me from here! You’re asking for death!” Jekeil shouted.

“Jekeil, you and your father have been fired from here, yet you still dare to act up? Now you’re nothing, face it!” said one of the security guards coldly.

Two other security guards didn’t want to be left behind.

“Yeah, you’re nothing now! Stop pretending here! If you keep shouting, I’ll smack you!”

After that, both of them were dragged out by several security guards.

“You... you....” Jekeil’s mouth trembled. Right now, he was being humiliated by these security guards! But he couldn’t do anything about it!

Wakee was slightly calm facing all this. Only his face looked wrinkled, not screaming uncontrollably like Jekeil. As a businessman who had been in the business world for a long time, he knew exactly what his situation was. He realized he wouldn’t be able to fight against Mr. Ornell Donovan’s biological grandson.

Finally, the father and son were dragged out of the company area.

After seeing this scene, most of the employees could secretly breathe a sigh of relief. How could they not? Throughout the day, Jekeil had been using his status in the company to oppress male employees and flirt with female employees. Many of them hated Jekeil. However, they didn’t dare to show it.

Now, both of them had fallen from their pedestal, surely making them very happy.

Currently, Charlie walked over to Amara. He intended to clarify their status. As for Amara, she looked pale. The woman was willing to date Jekeil because of his wealth and position. But in the end, Jekeil had to let go of all of that!

But it turns out it was Charlie, whom she had just dumped, who was actually the grandson of a conglomerate and currently served as the director of a branch of the company!

“Charlie, you... your family is clearly poor! But how could someone like you be Mr. Ornell’s biological grandson!?” Amara still couldn’t accept this bitter reality. She seemed to question her understanding of Charlie’s family all this time.

At the same time, there was also a feeling of regret in her heart. If only she had known earlier that Charlie was the biological grandson of Ornell Donovan, she wouldn’t have broken up with Charlie even if she was beaten to death! 

“Yeah, it’s strange how the world works! I never imagined that someone like me is the biological grandson of Ornell Donovan,” Charlie said with a smile.

Amara began to bite her lip, “Charlie, I... I was deceived by Jekeil’s sweet promises. Yesterday I was confused, actually... actually, I truly love you. You... you can see for yourself our love journey for the past 3 years! I beg you, give me another chance!”

As she uttered the last sentence, Amara hugged Charlie’s arm tightly. Her face pleaded to be pitied.

“Sorry, you’re not worthy of me anymore!” Charlie replied with a flat expression. He immediately pushed Amara away.

Yesterday, Amara’s attitude towards Charlie was very heartless. And today, Charlie returned the favor!

After pushing Amara away, Charlie quickly turned around and left.

Seeing Charlie’s indifferent dismissal, Amara’s heart seemed to plunge into a deep valley. She understood now. The man she had once underestimated was now impossible to get back....

Charlie approached the deputy GM, Mr. Rahil.

Mr. Rahil was surprised, his face changed instantly.

“Mr. Charlie! I’m not on Wakee’s side. Mr. Charlie’s attitude just now was truly exemplary!”

Charlie helped Rahil stand up, “Mr. Rahil, no need to be afraid! I’m not here to trouble you. On the contrary, I will promote you. Starting today, you are the GM of this company!”

“I... is that true?” Rahil said slightly surprised and also happy.

“Of course,” Charlie smiled.

Yesterday, because he had agreed to become the new director of the branch company, Charlie asked someone to gather information about the current situation within the company. Based on the report he received, Rahil was someone with excellent business abilities.

But unfortunately, his fate was not as good as his abilities. He was always oppressed by Wakee. All his hard work was attributed to Wakee. And conversely, the chaos caused by Wakee was always blamed on Rahil, and he was always made the scapegoat.

For someone like Rahil, he only lacked one support. Of course, the support from people who would promote him.

Charlie also poured out a sum of money to investigate Rahil’s personal life. After finding out that he had a fairly good character, Charlie was willing to work with him.

“Thank you, Mr. Charlie! I will always remember Mr. Charlie’s kindness for the rest of my life!” Rahil said touched, to the point where he wanted to kneel before him.

For Charlie, perhaps it was just a meaningless phrase. But for Rahil, the words Charlie spoke were certainly noble! This was the opportunity he had dreamed of for years.

“No need to thank me, the important thing is to work as best as possible! The best way to repay me is by advancing this company!” Charlie said.

After a brief pause, Charlie continued, “You also know who I really am. As long as your performance is good, I will definitely continue to promote you later. And clearly, not just to become the GM of the branch company, understand?”

“Okay, sir! Mr. Charlie, don’t worry! I will do my best! I will weather all storms that hit the company! I will continue to fight until the bitter end!” he said firmly.

Rahil understood, Charlie was an important person who was now on his side! Quietly, he made up his mind to pledge his loyalty to Charlie. Whatever happens, he will develop the company with all his might.

“I look forward to all of that!” Charlie said as he patted Rahil’s shoulder.

For Charlie before, a representative GM like Rahil was certainly someone he must respect. But now, the opposite was happening. Rahil kept nodding and showing respect to him.

Next, Charlie looked towards the hundreds of employees present at the location.

“Good morning, everyone! As a gift for this meeting, I will give each of you 10 million and it will be distributed along with next month’s salary!” Charlie said straight to the point.

“What!? 10 million each as a meeting gift!?”

To be continued

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