Chapter 5: Trouble with Professor Killer

“What!? 10 million each as a meeting gift!?”

“Hail Mr. Charlie! Hail Mr. Charlie!”

After everyone was surprised, they shouted with enthusiasm. One by one, they were overjoyed.

In some ways, money does play a very important role. In this position, money can provide welfare to all employees. Moreover, the amount is also not insignificant. Ten million!

“Our new director is so generous! Just meeting for the first time and immediately giving out that much money! Seen from any angle, he’s still much better than Wakee or Jekeil!”

“Yes, I agree! If we continue to make even with a director like this, our future will definitely be much better!”


The employees were busy commenting here and there. After all, who doesn’t like a director who gives out money for free!? Unlike Wakee or Jekeil. They are both so picky. Anyone who can flatter them will certainly receive multiple benefits.

The way Charlie used was successful in attracting everyone’s attention. There are over 100 employees in this company. If each is given 10 million, then the amount that must be disbursed by him is at least around 1 billion. Money with that amount is nothing to Charlie.

Charlie waved his hand, “That amount of money means nothing! As long as you work well, I can ensure that the bonuses you receive will be even more!”

“With Mr. Charlie, we can... keep advancing without retreat, hooray hooray hooray!” Rahil shouted leading the chant.

“With Mr. Charlie, we can... keep advancing without retreat, hooray hooray hooray!”


The employees were full of enthusiasm shouting slogans.

Charlie nodded, feeling satisfied seeing all his employees full of spirit. Although yesterday his grandfather only asked Charlie to stay silent, but that request was a bit strange. However, now that he has become a director, he certainly wants his company to advance further. If successful, wouldn’t that be proof that he can carry out this task!

Wendall, who had been standing beside Charlie all this time, just silently watched everything happening before his eyes.

“I didn’t expect Mr. Charlie to be truly extraordinary. Not only could he gain sympathy from the new GM, but he also could win the hearts of the employees. Just like Mr. Ornell,” he said to himself.

Charlie’s performance today has exceeded Wendall’s expectations. It seems he should report all of this to Ornell.


The company is running normally, all processes are in accordance with the applicable SOPs. From any perspective, all aspects are relatively mature. So, there is nothing else for Charlie to worry about. All important matters have also been taken care of by Rahil and other executives.

Throughout the morning, Charlie continued to be at the company. In the afternoon, he left the company. However, before his departure, Charlie had instructed Rahil to clean up the lackeys of the Mitchell family who were still in the company.

Based on the information Charlie received yesterday, the Mitchell family has inserted many of their colleagues into the company. They all only get money but are unable to work well. And such a collection of parasites must be removed!

On the other hand, the Mitchell family residence.

“Damn! Bastard!” Jekeil shouted venting his frustration. He incessantly ransacked all the items on the table.

“Father... should we just let this issue slide?” Jekeil said. It was clear that he still couldn’t accept this treatment.

“Of course not! If we can’t retaliate for today’s treatment, then I’m not Wakee Mitchell!” Wakee exclaimed angrily.

“But, he’s Mr. Ornell’s grandson. If we only rely on our strength, it’s impossible to defeat him,” Jekeil said helplessly.

“Openly, we indeed cannot defeat him. So, we have to do it secretly! Let’s just hire some thugs beat him until he’s on the brink of death!” Wakee said with a cunning smile on his face.

Upon hearing his father’s words, Jekeil’s eyes immediately sparkled, “Great idea! As long as we don’t confess, no one will know that we’re the masterminds behind all this! Regarding those thugs, let’s just give them money to hide abroad for some time.”

“Exactly! I know some thugs, let me handle everything!” Wakee said as he got up and then left.

“Father! Tell the thugs to be more cruel, if possible, make him disabled!” Jekeil shouted.


Afternoon at San Setillo University.

Inside dorm room number 4331.

“Charlie, you know yourself that this morning there was Professor Killer’s class, right? But you skipped it!” As soon as he entered the room, a chubby man immediately approached Charlie. This chubby man is Charlie’s only friend on campus. His name is Efrain.

“This morning I really had something urgent,” Charlie said helplessly.

“You could have asked for permission first. Professor Killer also said that he won’t pass you in his class!” Efrain said with a serious face.

“He won’t pass me!?” Charlie narrowed his eyes.

Professor Killer, whose real name is Rodrigo, is one of the lecturers at Charlie’s campus. This lecturer left a bad impression on Charlie. First, because he was so strict, many called him Professor Killer.

And one of the most important reasons is... last semester, Charlie accidentally met Professor Killer walking with one of his female classmates. According to rumors, they had a special relationship.

And based on circulating rumors, because of Professor Killer’s threats, his female classmate was willing to go out with him everywhere.

Is such a lecherous man worthy of being called a lecturer!?

“Charlie, you better go apologize to Professor Killer. You ask for leniency, maybe he can be softened. If he really won’t pass you, it’ll be troublesome,” Efrain said.

“Don’t worry, I’ll definitely find him, but....” Charlie flashed a cunning smile on his face.

If Charlie’s situation were still the same as before, he would surely apologize to Professor Killer immediately. But now, his status has changed, he’s no longer the old Charlie. He is now the grandson of the richest person in the province of San Ancayne. Can Charlie possibly beg him?


At Lecturer’s office.

The door to the room was unlocked, so Charlie decided to enter directly.

Professor Killer was currently engrossed in watching a movie. After hearing the sound of someone opening the door, he immediately closed his laptop screen and quickly turned to the source of the sound.

Upon seeing Charlie, emotions surged in his heart. After all, Charlie had disturbed his ‘special’ time. He was so surprised.

“Charlie! Can’t you at least knock before entering? Do you know manners? Oh, by the way, you also skipped my class today! Do you know what the consequences are, huh?” Professor Killer scolded.

“Mr. Rodrigo, I came here because you intend not to pass me,” Charlie said as he walked towards Professor Killer.

“Oh... you want to beg for leniency so you won’t fail? Simple!” Professor Killer said while snapping his fingers. Meaning, he wanted money!

Charlie smiled coldly. From the beginning, he knew that what Professor Killer wanted was money. Charlie then chose to sit in a chair not far from where he stood. He crossed his legs.

“Sorry, Sir, I’m not here to beg for your leniency, but to give you one more chance. If you still insist on asking for money to make up for skipping class this morning! I will....”

“I will what?” Professor Killer asked with a sneering smile on his face.

Charlie seemed to squint his eyes, “I will make sure you pay more for it!”

“What!? Making me pay more for it!? A poor student like you dares to threaten me? Hahaha! You’re really funny!” Professor Killer couldn’t help but laugh.

Although known to be strict, he was also selective. He acted tough only towards people with a status like Charlie’s.

Next, Professor Killer pulled the smile off his face and then slammed the table.

“Hey, Kid. Maybe that’s enough with the nonsense. Today you successfully made me angry. I don’t care, you have to apologize and prepare 5 million as a sign of your sincerity. If not, hehehe... I will not only strike your name off my student list, but I can also make you fail to get your diploma!”

In Professor Killer’s mind, poor students like Charlie, who have no clear family background, are very easy to intimidate. Just a little threat will surely make them beg for forgiveness.

After hearing the words just spoken, Charlie’s face suddenly darkened.

“You really are despicable. You don’t deserve to be called a lecturer! Moreover, you also don’t appreciate the opportunity I’ve given you. Just watch, you will regret it!” After saying this, Charlie stood up and immediately left.

Professor Killer was furious when he heard Charlie curse at him. He clenched his fists and slammed them on the table.

“Damn! How dare you call me despicable! You dare! Just wait, I’ll make you regret it later!” Professor Killer shouted towards the shadow of Charlie, who had already walked far away.

In campus, it’s really inappropriate for students to offend the feelings of lecturers.

Professor Killer became more determined with his decision. Not only will he strike Charlie’s name off his student list, but he will also make it difficult for Charlie when he has to repeat. And most importantly, he will make Charlie fail to get his graduation diploma. This is the kind of thing that can satisfy his heart.

On the other hand.

“You greedy monster, filthy scoundrel, spotted-nose man! People like him are called lecturers!!” Charlie cursed repeatedly after leaving Professor Killer’s room.

This Professor Killer figure really disgusted Charlie. Actually, the problem of skipping class would have been solved if Charlie just gave a few million to Professor Killer. But Charlie didn’t want to do it! Charlie wanted to make Professor Killer pay for everything he had done all this time.

Charlie then went to the chancellor’s office.

“Knock, knock, knock!”

“Come in!”

After entering the room, Mr. Adelio, who was currently wearing a suit, caught Charlie’s attention.

Mr. Adelio then looked up at Charlie. Then, while continuing to read his newspaper, he asked Charlie, “Yes, what’s up, boy? Can I help you with something?”

“Mr. Adelio, I want to donate some money to the campus,” Charlie said casually.

“Donation, you mean?! We appreciate your good intentions here. But sorry, this campus is not short of hundreds of thousands of monies, Sir. So, it’s better for you to keep your money,” Mr. Adelio said as he continued reading his newspaper.

Charlie smiled upon hearing this, “Mr. Adelio, I don’t intend to donate hundreds of thousands or even tens of millions, but 10 billion!”

“What!? 10 billion!”

Mr. Adelio quickly set aside his newspaper and looked at Charlie in surprise.

“Are you really going to donate 10 billion? You’re not joking, right?” Mr. Adelio double-checked. Because, from any perspective, Charlie didn’t seem like someone who could afford to spend such a large amount of money.

“You’d better give me the campus account. After the transfer is done, you’ll know whether I’m joking or not!” Charlie said.

Mr. Adelio pondered for a moment. In the end, he chose to give Charlie the campus account.

“I’ve transferred it, Sir. You can check it,” Charlie said. Without hesitation, he immediately used his mobile banking to transfer to the campus account.

“Lulita, quickly contact the Finance Department. See if there’s a transfer of 10 billion!” Mr. Adelio instructed his secretary, who was not far from his desk.

The secretary nodded and hurriedly contacted the Finance Department to verify.

“Mr. Adelio, verification is complete! The Finance Department says... there’s suddenly a transfer of 10 billion!” the secretary said.

“What!?” Mr. Adelio felt like he had just breathed in cold air. His whole body suddenly trembled. He didn’t expect this to actually happen.

A donation of 10 billion! This is the largest donation received since the establishment of San Setillo University!

“Lulita, quickly make tea for this gentleman! The diamond tea I kept in that box!” After saying this, Mr. Adelio immediately got up from his seat and approached Charlie with a smile, “Please have a seat, Sir. If I may ask, what’s your name? And which family do you come from?

To be continued

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