Something was up and it was making her damned nervous. They should’ve all been inside by now, relaxing. Instead Alex had her well back from the safe house and Marshall and Sean hadn’t given the all clear yet. And despite his calm exterior, Claire knew Alex was on full alert. His posture was tense, his eyes watchful. Her nape tingled in warning.

“What’s going on?” she demanded, half turned in her seat so she could see the safe house behind them a block and a half down the street. The neighbors had been talking to Marshall and Sean a minute ago, then they’d bolted back into their garage and closed the door like a rabid animal was chasing them. Marshall and Sean had disappeared into the backyard. Now Marshall had come back around the front of the house, only this time she could tell from the position of his arms that he was holding a pistol in his hands.

What the hell? “Did they find something?” Her heart rate accelerated. If Marshall was in any danger, she
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