Chapter 6

“I gotta hurry up and meet this man before the kidnappers come here to get me again!” Niko rushed into the shower and was out in a flash. He looked at the table knife close to the teapot, fighting the temptation to carry it in his pockets. “Sometimes I wish I had a gun to protect myself from all these fools.”

He hurriedly put on a simple outfit, rushing to the mirror to look at his face, eager to meet the mysterious stranger at the Winxel building. “I thought this was all gonna be some prank but now it's getting serious. These dudes wanna take my life over a fortune I know nothing about.” He fell to the temptation, he slid the knife in his left pocket “just in case.”

His mind raced with thoughts about the stranger who'd been speaking to him on the phone, “I still can't get why or how this person knows so much about me. Well I guess I'm gonna find out soon.

Just as Niko reached for the door, his doorbell rang, making him freeze immediately.

“Oh shit! That must be the kidnappers! They're here again.” His heartbeat quickened. “I ain't gonna give it to you guys easily now.” He grabbed a baseball bat, gripping it tightly. "Y'all wanna mess with Niko Foster? I'm ready for you douchebags!” He muttered under his breath, taking stealthy steps to the door. He took a deep breath and with a quick yank, he opened the door, ready to hit anyone who might be a threat. Instead, he found a man in a delivery uniform standing there, holding a large box.

“Ah… No! No! Don't hit me!” The delivery man yelled shifting back.

“Hey chill, I ain't gonna hit you!”

“Oh my God you look like you would. Who the hell do you think I was?”

“Sorry mate. Why’ you here?”

"Uh, delivery for Mr. Niko Foster?" The man said, glancing nervously at the bat in Niko's hand.

“Oh…” Niko relaxed his grip after taking a deep sigh. "What's this?" he asked, looking at the box suspiciously.

“Uhm…” The delivery man cleared his throat. "I was instructed to bring this to you. It's a suit for a special occasion at the Winxel building," he said, handing over the box. "You’re supposed to wear it."

“I've already dressed.” Niko frowned but took the box. "Who sent this?" he inquired.

"Sorry. I'm just the delivery guy, sir. My job ends here," the man answered, stepping back. "Good luck, Mr. Foster." With that, he turned and left.

“Oh man I've already dressed up for this meeting.” Niko shut the door and set the box on the table. He opened it and found an elegant, expensive suit inside.

“Damn! This is some expensive shit right here. Man, I've never touched anything like this in my life.” He squeezed it a little to feel the quality of the fabric "Guess I need to change again," he sighed, then slipped into the luxurious outfit in no time. He was impressed to see that It fit perfectly, like it was tailored just for him. “Damn I like this.” Niko couldn't stop looking at himself in the mirror “I look like one of those CEOs in billionaire movies. He cleaned imaginary dust on the shoulder then called on his phone for a quick selfie.

“I escaped death, I'm cute, I'm dressed and ready!”

Finding confidence in the new attire, Niko finally left for the Winxel building.

As he approached, his eyes widened at the sight of its grandeur.

“This is heaven on earth. I'm sure God lives here.” He's been there a few times in the past. But everything felt like it's never happened before. The polished glass walls, the towering structure, and the line of high-end cars parked in front, they all were a sign of wealth and power. For a moment, he forgot why he was even there.

“Stop looking around like a lost goat!” A female voice said behind Niko. He turned to see that it was his ex-girlfriend Vikkie, she just walked past him with her new fat belly lover.

“Actually he looks like a lost puppy.” Trevor added to the mockery.

“You mind your damn business, Whore!” Niko shot at Vikkie, not caring how he sounded. “And you, Mr Big Balloon Belly, you better go work out and stop chasing young girls.” He shot at Trevor too. He still hadn't gotten over the terrible experience of being cheated on, being beaten up and then receiving a spit on his face!

“Did you just call my girlfriend a whore? Huh?” Trevor charged forward in anger, wanting to be the man who defends his woman.

“Yeah and I called you fat! You wanna do something?”

“I will crush you!” Trevor said shifting closer for a face off with Niko.

“Listen to me fatso, there's no security here right now, if you move an inch closer to me right now, I swear to God imma punch your teeth outta your big mouth.” Niko drew up the sleeves of his suit getting ready for action.

“Niko, stay away from my boyfriend. you're crazy!” Vikkie said, reaching for something in her bag.

“Boyfriend? You call this man your boyfriend? This man is old enough to be your father.”

“Oh yeah and he's way richer than you. I don't go around with church rats like you.”

“Well I might have been poor and not able to afford the things he bought for you, but at least I have self respect, and I can never spit on anyone's face.”

“You were poor? Why do you say it like you're no longer poor? You will remain a broke ass dude and you're gonna die like this.”

“Let's watch and we'll find out.” Niko said simply.

“Yeah and better return this expensive suit you're wearing from wherever you borrowed it. Cos I know you can't afford it.” Vikkie said walking out as Trevor wrapped his hand around her waist to make Niko jealous.

Suddenly, a beautiful young lady approached Niko, smiling brightly at him. She wore an equally stunning suit, exuding elegance and confidence.

“Damn she's cute, and why's she looking at me like that?” Niko wondered.

Her eyes sparkled as she looked at him, extending her hand.

"Welcome to Winxel, Mr Niko Foster. My name is Aaliyah." she said warmly.

Niko hesitated before shaking her hand, there was confusion written all over his face. "Aaliyah? Sorry, do I know you somewhere?" It was more confusing because Aaliyah looked rich, and Niko had no rich friends, he'd met only a few. His brows furrowed. "How do you know my name?"

Aaliyah chuckled softly before saying "I’m the person you've been speaking to over the phone.

“Wait a minute.” Niko was confused. “You mean you're the person who told me to come here? The same person who sent the money to me?”

“Yeah I am.”

“You're the same person who told me you know more about me than I do myself?”

“That's correct.”

Niko's eyes widened in shock. Things just kept getting more complicated "Wait, what? That's impossible! The person I've been talking to on the phone is a man! But you, you're a woman! You must be lying!" he exclaimed.

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