The Past, The Present.

The safehouse hummed with nervous energy as Jaden and his team prepared for their mission. Maps and satellite images covered every available surface, each marked with potential locations where Alex or Zoe might be found. The meeting with General Hammond had yielded unexpected fruit – access to military-grade tracking technology that, combined with Jaden's shadow abilities, gave them their best chance yet at finding their missing friends.

"Remember," Reeves said, his voice tense as he checked his gear, "we're not just walking into friendly territory. The emergence of powers has everyone on edge. Stay alert."

Jaden nodded, feeling the familiar cool tingle of shadows coiling around him. In the days since his public declaration, he'd pushed his abilities to new limits. The shadows now felt like an extension of himself, responding to his will with fluid grace.

"I still can't believe we're working with the military," Marcus muttered, reality shimmering around him as he practiced his own pow
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