Chapter 17

Ryan leaned on the pole behind him and concentrated on his smoking while he waited for a reply to the message he sent.

Stewart glanced at the expressionless face of Ryan. Ryan had not made any attempt to collect the card from him. Does he have to think for such a long period? Even if he has to, he should collect the card from him and go elsewhere to do the rest of his thinking.

"Take the card fast before I change my mind," Stewart said, starting to get impatient.

Still, he got no reaction from Ryan.

Just as Ryan let out the light from the cigarette and tossed it away, one of the bodyguards who had come with the butler earlier today appeared. He was carrying a black box.

Before Stewart could say anything, he saw the box flying toward him. His face suddenly stung, and then the entire box of cash hit his head and floated down from above, covering the ground.

Green banknot
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