Chapter 18

Stewart didn't need anyone to tell him that he had reached a dead end. Just when he thought Ryan's grip could go no further, it tightened. He couldn't accept defeat. No. Not yet. For God's sake, he is Stewart Hill. He is the guy who can drive any girl crazy with just his smile. So, how can he accept defeat from this poor man?

"Fuck, Ryan, you are crazy. I mean…" he paused to catch his breath. "You are mentally ill. Your misery has gotten to your shitty head!" He shouted.

He hoped his scream would get someone's attention.

"Someone help!" He shouted hysterically. "Somebody help me from this madman!" His legs kicked and flailed, but Ryan's grip didn't loosen.

"Let me go… you fucking son of a bitch!" He shouted.

"If my sister wasn't a fucking whore, she wouldn't have met someone like you!" He said in a calmer tone. "She fucking slept around!"

"The fact that she is your sister doesn't give you the righ
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