Chapter 19

"Ryan!" Someone shouted. Her voice echoed across the garden.

Ryan released his grip on Stewart's neck and turned to see Stephanie. She looked confused as she tried to make sense of what was happening.

There were banknotes scattered on the floor and Stewart, now that Ryan had now let go of his neck, was soaked. His hair wet and his face full of shock. He sat on the floor, coughing incessantly.

Many people who had been attracted by the intensity of Stephanie's scream had gathered around.

"What on earth is happening?" She gave Ryan a look. It was filled with so much anger.

"Will you open your mouth and tell me what is going on?" She shouted.

Ryan did answer her. It didn't look like he had anything to explain to her with the way he put his hands in his pockets.

Stephanie crouched down to her brother's level. She lifted his head so that he could look at her. His suit was a mess and his tie
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