Chapter 20

Ryan frowned. "What are you doing?"

"You beat someone up and you want to leave?" A man asked. There was a frown on his face.

"Not just anyone, but one of the Hill family." Another person added.

Brenda had checked the time on her phone again. It had been more than half an hour since Ryan had left. Sensing that one of the Hill family members might be trying to get on his nerves again, she had gotten up and headed for the garden, the direction she had seen some people rushing towards.

She was surprised by the number of people there.

Just like her beauty had attracted attention when she entered the hall, people directed their attention at her as she pulled through the crowd.

She saw Ryan surrounded by some angry looking people. Beside him was Stephanie who was looking no less angry than the others. Stewart was on the ground.

Brenda stifled a grin as she imagined what Ryan might have
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