Chapter 22

Stephanie took off her heel shoes and threw her bag on the bed. She dialed the number of one of her subordinates. She sat on the bed and drank from a bottle of water while she waited for the call to connect.

"Hello, ma'am."

"Who is he?" She asked.

"We couldn't find anything about him."

"What?" Stephanie stood up from the bed.

After watching the footage from the party and seeing  how much Ryan had sprayed on her brother, she had been curious to know who he really is. He had not even come back to pack the money. Just how much does he have to have wasted a million dollars? She had ordered her subordinates, The elite hackers who had helped hack into very secured systems before, to get information about Ryan.

"Apart from what you already know; he is from the orphanage and he saved your Patriarch, there is nothing about him that we could get," the man at the other end said.

"Alright," she sai
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