Chapter 23

The gate guard couldn't believe the guy dressed in navy blue suit was laughing. Does he seem like a joke to the man? Of all time, this isn't the time a random person should come here and cause a scene. The new boss would be here any moment from now.

"Actually —" Ryan started to say but the gate guard interrupted him.

"Didn't you hear what I said? I said you should go." Each passing second was making the gate guard more furious. Inside the compound were the rest of the workers lined up, ready to give the new boss a very remarkable welcome. Would this man, this serious man, be the one to ruin all the plans everyone has made?

"I am—"

The gate guard stamped his foot on the ground. "Have you not been listening to me?" He snapped. "We. All of us…" the gate guard pointed toward the gate. "All the workers in this company are inside there, lined up, waiting for our new boss. This isn't the time for you to be here. Do you get it?" He snapped the last part of the sentence.

Ryan smiled. "I am th
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