Chapter Thirty: Otherworldly Monsters

After class, Ava went back home with a smile on her face. She could feel the butterflies fluttering in her stomach as she thought about Shawn, who invited her to hang out after school.

During their break, Ava had fun talking with Shawn about different things; he told her about his favorite song, food, color, TV show, etc. However, Ava didn't tell him anything about her; she was being cautious, for he might know her true identity.

After looking for the most attractive places in their city over the internet, they eventually decided to visit the newest amusement park to take a glimpse and experience the thrill of riding a ferris wheel and rollercoaster.

Ava also thought that it would be the best opportunity to learn new things about this world since there were so many things she couldn't understand. She felt like she was born once again in a new world where she had to study everything.

Ava opened the gate to their house and continued inside. It seemed like Charlotte wasn't there; perhaps
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