Chapter Twenty-nine: New Life

Ava woke up in a new room. The bed where she was lying was canopied with colorful, flowery sheets. The morning dewdrops outside were visible from the window of her bedroom.

Ava wondered if it rained yesterday, although she had no idea where she was or what happened. All she could remember was herself carrying a drunk man back to their house when something like a portal suddenly appeared, and a very strong force sucked them in, causing her to lose consciousness.

When she woke up, Ava wasn't automatically aware that she was in someone else's room. She only realized that something was wrong when she left her bed, walked towards the door, and saw her own feet. She was shocked to see that the colors of her toenails had changed, and they became purple though she haven't applied any cosmetics on her nails before.

"Wait, what? Am I dreaming?" Ava couldn't believe what she was seeing: her hands, her clothes, and her body weren't like this before. She was even more surprised when she saw her ow
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