Chapter Twenty-eight: Shawn Pendragon
Everyone became busy doing their own thing, preparing for what could happen, while Shawn was still inside the adventurers' guild. There was a profound silence prevailing inside the room, except for the ticking of the wall clock.

Sitting on the counter, Shawn knew that staying calm in emergency situations was the first thing to do because panic wouldn't allow him to think of a better solution to the problem.

Shawn only had half an hour to plan how to defeat the demon lord, and his time was decreasing with every second and every breath he took. He could hear the heavy footsteps of a huge chaos taking its path towards them.

"Brother, aren't you going outside?" Ash asked, glimpsing through the door from outside. He noticed that Shawn seemed to be planning something, so he walked towards him. "They are waiting for you."

"I guess I really have to fight that dragon by myself." Shawn stood up immediately. He was about to go out when he remembered something was lost. "My sword, where is it?
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