Chapter Twenty-five: Magic Stones

Inside the dungeon, Shawn, Ava, and the old man were planning how to defeat their enemies. It seemed like the heat of their arguments had begun to fade, and they realized that they should prioritize their survival instead of their personal beliefs.

"Where did you leave my brother, master?" Ava asked, showing a worried face as she thought about her brother. "He might have caused trouble again."

Ava couldn't really focus on what was in front of her if she wasn't sure that her brother was doing fine. No matter where she was or what she was doing, she always put her brother first, to the point that other people thought of her as a single mom.

"I left him at the adventurer's guild. Don't worry, Ava, I asked Leo and Emma to take care of your brother while we're gone," the old man replied. "We should focus on how to defeat all the enemies in this dungeon if we still want to see him again."

"Alright then!" Shawn interrupted. "Tell us about our next enemies. We may be able to use the informati
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